Example sentences of "me as we [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 These were the words Geoff ( my husband ) said to me as we left Le Havre at 7.30 am on Saturday , 24 October 1992 .
2 Ash turned back to me as we followed , and muttered , ‘ He 's a pianist , is n't he ? ’
3 I held her to me as we fell across the bed , feeling her lithe life-force twitching against me as beautiful as a rainbow trout , leaping from a mill race into my outstretched arms .
4 He was 88 years old and the smile he gave me as we said goodbye made my day .
5 ‘ Everyone loves dressing up , you know ’ , my ten year-old companion said to me as we walked together through Charlecote Park in Warwickshire down the long driveway to the sixteenth century gatehouse .
6 ‘ Do n't get lost , ’ she called after me as we went our separate ways .
7 Other walkers greeted me as we passed , saying either ‘ hello ’ or ‘ good morning ’ .
8 A sense of something old , strange and eerie came over me as we passed directly below Benbulbin , that strange grey-green mountain , chief link in the chain that guarded Ulster and has made it the most separate of Irish provinces from the beginning of time .
9 Jenny asked me as we got up to leave .
10 ‘ I 'm convinced that the resolution of all this lies buried deep in your unconscious , ’ he told me as we sat chatting in his office at the DDU .
11 ‘ All I want to do is get to the bottom of this , ’ she assured me as we entered her office .
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