Example sentences of "only [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It was not only the blow of failing to win power , and with it all hopes of a Scottish parliament , but also the fact that Labour lost votes and a seat in Scotland — facts which are conveniently forgotten when home-rulers and guardians of the party 's traditional totems blame failure in the south for Labour 's lack of achievement in the north .
2 If the aim of judicial review is seen as being only the protection of individuals ( whether people or organizations ) , this would suggest and justify standing rules which require the applicant to show that he , she or it is specially affected by what has been done or decided .
3 Against this all-pervading force , there is only the principle of life .
4 Sadler was no doubt thinking of the climate of opinion in which his inquiry was conducted , in particular the movement for ‘ National Efficiency ’ which questioned not only the principle of voluntaryism , but also the apparently redundant individualism of late nineteenth-century Liberalism .
5 Aw , c'm on , it was just like that in Australia not long ago : one of the wire services reports in a condescending way that under local law , the National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil recognises only the principle of priority in brand names , so that companies like IBM Corp , Xerox Corp and Sony Corp have had to ‘ buy back ’ their names before they could do business under them in Brazil ; the US is pressing Brazil to change the law to protect internationally recognised brand names — but it is not so long ago that , legend has it , an enterprising travelling Australian spotted that car hire was becoming big business , so when he got home , he registered the names Hertz and Avis , sold the Hertz name back to the company when it wanted to set up in Australia — and then used the cash he got from Hertz to set up the Avis concession in Australia .
6 For example , to describe the lexicon , morphology and syntax of Javanese one would need to distinguish three levels of respect to addressees and two levels of respect to referents ( Geertz , 1960 ; Comrie , 1979b ) ; to describe the particles of a number of South American Indian languages one would need to distinguish between sentences that are central versus those that are peripheral to the telling of a story ( Longacre , 1976a ) ; to describe the third person pronouns of Tunica one would need to distinguish not only the sex of the referent , but also the sex of the addressee ( so there would be two words for " she " depending on whether one is speaking to a man or a woman ; Haas , 1964 ) , while in some Australian languages the pronouns encode the moiety or section ( kinship division ) of the referent , or the kinship relation between referents ( e.g. there are sometimes two words one of which means " you-dual of the same moiety " and another " you-dual in different moieties from each other " ; Dixon , 1980 : 2-3 ; Heath et al.
7 Moreover , as a result of the defences of act of God , act of a third party and statutory authority , the courts must investigate not only the reasonableness of the accumulation , but also the defendant 's responsibility for its actual escape .
8 Discipline is the foundation of the Force and means not only the performance of specific orders but implies a willing and prompt obedience , proper respect to senior officers and loyalty to the service .
9 Only the lowering of three heads accompanied by triple cowering .
10 Morgan Grenfell , like many Catering & Allied clients , wants its staff to pay only the cost of food , plus VAT .
11 Should the market fall , no loss of original capital is incurred : only the cost of the futures and options has to be borne .
12 The family practitioner services comprise not only the cost of the family doctor service — about 30 per cent of the total — but medicine prescribed by GPs , ( nearly 40 per cent ) , pharmacists ' costs ( 10 per cent ) and opticians ' ( 3 per cent ) .
13 Alternatively only the cost of petrol for business mileage could be reimbursed .
14 Well it 's not , it 's , I mean it 's not only the cost of the equipment , it 's actually the cost of pu installing it .
15 It now remains to ask what to many is the most difficult question , whether , given that the services are available , albeit on a limited basis , they can properly be denied to certain patients.3 This raises not only the issue of fairness or justice , but also that of selective treatment and respect for life .
16 Here in embryo is not only the issue of moral relativity , about which I shall have more to say in my next chapter , but also the sentimental concept of the Noble Savage .
17 The Councillor in question spoke to the meeting , but the Chairman ruled that the issue of closure could not be raised , as the meeting was considering only the Secretary of State 's request for comments .
18 In this case , only the Secretary of State stands in the way of a move to decentralise control over local spending and to return it to local communities .
19 Among composers of his generation , only the music of John Taverner ( fl .
20 Where a company 's Articles of Association state that only the Board of Directors can grant special remuneration to a director , a committee of the Board does not have authority to pay a special fee to one of its members .
21 Note 1.2.10 Despite the remarks above on economy of effort we shall prove here only the equivalence of I and W. We leave the reader to prove that
22 Whether the image of an ice cream cone or a hamburger is good or bad is not too big an issue but when it comes to nuclear weapons and political events which affect not only the happiness of countless people but which are also a matter of life and death , does it help to avoid value judgements ?
23 Osaka maintained its importance as a financial , commercial and industrial centre , but despite a population of over 1.5 million in 1920 was still dwarfed by Tokyo , which was not only the locus of a highly centralized national administration but attracted financial , commercial , industrial , educational and cultural activities as well .
24 Only the crunch of mailed feet on the hard ice broke the silence .
25 So it is not only the composition of species that is different on urban commons , but also the life-styles of those species .
26 For over twenty years I have been experimenting with how we show music : not only the work of the orchestra , how they play , but also the way the instruments are brought in as part of the musical argument .
27 But it was not only the work of Vredeman de Vries that made this garden so remarkable .
28 It is so frustrating to consider a sample to be exactly what you are looking for and then need to set up the card again to discover just how you arrived at it , while labelling as you go is only the work of a moment .
29 THIS exhibition includes not only the work of six Russian painters but also that of eight contributors from Britain .
30 But ‘ the state ’ can not claim anything : only the government of the day , or its duly empowered agents , can .
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