Example sentences of "only [verb] if you " in BNC.

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1 So I suppose I 'm introducing something that would only exist if you started next week .
2 Why then can you pass the ball into the '22 , a situation which will only arise if you have support there to pass to .
3 ‘ But I 'm not here to make judgements , only to see if you 've broken anything .
4 But we will only win if you vote for us on 3rd May .
5 But we will only win if you vote for us on 3rd May .
6 Patrick climbed out first and them helped Jane down ; Collins was the last man out , and Patrick heard him murmur to the driver , " Around the block the long way , only stop if you see us on the street . "
7 Even if the worst happens and you lose your job , your lover , your hair , your hope of a long life , you 're only defeated if you let yourself be .
8 But if you 're looking to buy , whether privately , from a dealer or through an auction , you will only succeed if you are honest with yourself .
9 But these developments will only succeed if you continue to play your part .
10 Further , unlike the earlier Edition , these will only work if you have Illustrator 88 — not the older Illustrator , nor FreeHand , just Illustrator 88 .
11 It 'll only work if we give in our hundred percent , it 'll only work if you give your hundred percent .
12 ‘ I 'm only staying if you guarantee that you 're going to pay me . ’
13 ( This option only appears if you have Full Menus selected so if it is not in the Options menu first activate Full Menus ) Use Freeze Panes to fix the position of the Split bars .
14 However , this only applies if you do not live in the same house as your landlord .
15 Is n't it one of those sort of semi obsolete things that only applies if you 've got M S DOS
16 The second pitfall only applies if you have a relatively slow VAX and will be starting up two or more LIFESPAN Processes in quick succession .
17 Remember we said about , that only applies if you miss two consecutive erm , years ' rise in the R P I , then we 'll say right , if you want to take up any more , than we 'll need a medical .
18 A This can only happen if you do not cast off any stitches at the centre and sides of the neck .
19 Of course , this can only happen if you have been tested .
20 It will only happen if you do because the credibility
21 I was only asking if you wanted any assistance . ’
22 ( Please note : the following arrangements only apply if you are making your reservations through the Brighton Accommodation Marketing Bureau 's free room-finding service . )
23 My friend said I 'll erm , I 'll only go if you 'll come too .
24 Because , I only said if you cut
25 You 'll perhaps only say if you put out a thousand pounds , you 'll possibly get what three hundred pounds back or something like that ?
26 The limitation only comes if you want to blow it up any bigger than 8x10 — then you 've got to use large format ’ .
27 Can I make it quite crystal clear to my own mind , long term pension benefits it does n't come automatically it only comes if you surrender part of your own pension thus making provision for .
28 If so , that is fine , but remember that walking away only works if you are able to dismiss the incident or attitude .
29 It only works if you realise that your own extension number is going to be vacant at the time , if somebody 's using it then it wo n't work , alright , so if you try and transfer a call , then you must make sure that the extension number you 're accessing is free .
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