Example sentences of "me [that] we have " in BNC.

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1 At a Conservative party meeting on 28 August , Amery noted that Horne ‘ on the whole agrees with me that we have got into a considerable mess and that the great thing is to extricate our people as soon as possible , ’ while Hailsham in his speech ‘ supported entirely what had been done but trusted that it would not last longer than two months — whereat loud cheers ’ .
2 But what persuades me that we have not heard the last of Havel the writer is that he combines a total commitment to social freedom and individual responsibility with an extraordinary ironic detachment .
3 It has been a great joy to me that we have remained a very close family .
4 This is probably true , but it seems to me that we have now become so engrossed in the jargon of " turbidites " ( an objectionable genetic term ) and with their " bottom structures " , that most of us have lost sight of the real significance of the original idea .
5 Er , our press office tell me that we have just had a call from ten Downing Street , who want a copy of this speech .
6 So that it seem to me that we have to take that into account in terms of how we are approaching our struggle .
7 Well I think what they suggest to me that we have to pay for the poster site .
8 And it did bring it home to me that we have got a major security problem in this building and in our other municipal buildings and quite frankly the ease with which anybody can come into this building at virtually any time of the day or evening astounds me .
9 It seems to me that we have not a very consistent to this .
10 erm Anything else on page nine ? erm On Nestlé , Chief 's reminded me that we have got , I received today , a long letter from Nestlé , basically saying they wo n't be coming today .
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