Example sentences of "me [that] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , if Satan is the opposite of God it seems to me that we know very much less about him , and yet , his works are rather more evident , do n't you think ? ’
2 ‘ And my feelings are telling me that we 've all been wrong about what I want to do .
3 After that came my Marx and Schweitzer phase but I started getting greedy and wanting them all rolled into one and then somebody told me that we 've got to learn to love ourselves , so I tried that but it seemed a bit selfish .
4 Do n't forget my plectrums ! ’ and the voice of a husband , too , calling after me that we 've run out of Marmite .
5 You 're telling me that we 've got nothing to fear from them ?
6 Erm it seems to me that we 've been talking about capturing elephants but er is it really a Trojan horse ?
7 I mean gender is one issue , but it 's not the only one , and one of the ones that it seems to me that we 've missed out on erm to date , when we 're talking about International Women 's Day , is race .
8 A despondent Renault worker remarked , ‘ It seems to me that we came very close to something new . ’
9 But it does please me that we fight back , I like that , but it displeases me the way we sort of go under a little bit .
10 Whether or not horses understand landing procedure ( they do n't smoke or have to cope with seat-belts ) , it occurred to me that we had taken a couple of bites at the cherry on our approach — I could only guess how near we came to dismantling the gateway to India , for there are no windows in those vehicles .
11 It took an enormous amount of discussion to persuade me that we had enough intrinsic skills to mount a successful oil operation , but those closer to the competition and the marketplace knew better than I their own relative abilities .
12 Later he said to me that we had been very helpful to him and he said it 's bad enough to be depressed but when you 're depressed and hungry , it 's really bad .
13 Although Mr Salmon had already told me that we had declared war against the Germans almost a year ago — none of us having heard of Archduke Franz Ferdinand — we only found out how serious it was when a lot of young lads who had worked in the market began to disappear off to ‘ the front ’ to be replaced by their younger brothers — and sometimes even sisters .
14 Yesterday we received p.c. from Stephen — is n't he sweet to write to us — which reminded me that we had a much appreciated card from Alaska some time ago .
15 But erm it 's all very easy to say you ca n't have socialism or this ideal state , whatever you might like to call it , unless it 's all er er you know kind of international er it 's got to be , happen all over the world or it never will happen at all but erm first of all it 's got to happen in your own country and it seems to me that we imagine that everybody , the mass of the people that we , we do that er we want this ideal state .
16 He also told the group and me that we did not do anything right .
17 It just seemed weird to me that we did n't have a clue about the line-up .
18 ‘ He did once say to me that we did n't know what we 'd got a hold of .
19 My experience tells me that we do not all have all the necessary skills to do all these jobs well — it is often a hit and miss affair , with much poor practice .
20 just having me that we manage fine .
21 THE WORLD HAS stopped making sense again , and Odilo forgets everything again ( which is probably just as well ) , and the war is over now ( and it seems pretty clear to me that we lost it ) , and life goes on for a little while .
22 Would you agree with me that we carry on ?
23 It used to amaze me that we treat criminals in a way which is guaranteed to perpetuate their self-image as a ‘ criminal ’ and reinforce negative beliefs about self and society , and then seem surprised at the high rate of recidivism .
24 ‘ This game told me that we need all our good players to be up and playing at their peak , but I felt that we did n't do that tonight . ’
25 Now I 'm putting it very simplistically and very starkly , but it does seem to me that we need to get a better balance about how we look at these things and to realize that if we 've got an efficient industry we will have a declining industrial workforce , what are the rest going to do ?
26 At a Conservative party meeting on 28 August , Amery noted that Horne ‘ on the whole agrees with me that we have got into a considerable mess and that the great thing is to extricate our people as soon as possible , ’ while Hailsham in his speech ‘ supported entirely what had been done but trusted that it would not last longer than two months — whereat loud cheers ’ .
27 But what persuades me that we have not heard the last of Havel the writer is that he combines a total commitment to social freedom and individual responsibility with an extraordinary ironic detachment .
28 It has been a great joy to me that we have remained a very close family .
29 This is probably true , but it seems to me that we have now become so engrossed in the jargon of " turbidites " ( an objectionable genetic term ) and with their " bottom structures " , that most of us have lost sight of the real significance of the original idea .
30 Er , our press office tell me that we have just had a call from ten Downing Street , who want a copy of this speech .
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