Example sentences of "me [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone out there is considering rescuing one of those lovely animals and would like to talk to me or even come and see our dogs at home , I would be delighted to oblige .
2 No one wanted to own me or even to capture my soul .
3 Is it supposed to intimidate me or merely impress ? ’
4 Plodding upwards , looking straight ahead of me or hardly looking at all , I was conscious suddenly of something on either side , looked to the right and the left .
5 Consequently , she admits , ‘ There was a part of me that secretly felt evangelism was something you should n't do to your dog , let alone a friend ’ ( Pippert 1980:16 ) .
6 It brought home to me that even tinpot local councillors will ruthlessly exploit irrational prejudice if there is political mileage in it .
7 Someone once told me that even breathing the air was the equivalent of smoking twenty cigarettes a day .
8 They were suspicious about my past , my age and a picture of me that simply did not add up .
9 I mean that the data on spontaneous abortion is so unmistakable that it seems to me that artificially induced abortions are just a continuation with modern technology of something women have always done anyway discriminate against their ab about their offspring , sometimes discriminating against them .
10 ‘ It 's not me that fucking owes it . ’
11 That 's much more important to me than just having someone recognise my style .
12 What happen was we was standing this jeweller 's , well really we 'd been there , she half the stuff for me and er other people and that , but erm , were standing there for ages , and she come , I 'm , I 'm sort of standing there like this up against the counter waiting to be served , suppose to be coming back right , stood right on the foot , it hurt , but I thought ok it 's a busy shop he wo n't so I 'd turned around , sort of he was there , so I sort of went to him like that and he was looked at me and fucking looked back , so I said are you gon na apologise then , getting right fucking pissed off cos I about three o'clock that day , hang over and being dragged up and down the town all fucking day ai n't my idea of fun you know , ri right in a bad mood anyway , and he said no in a real fucking why do n't you try and make me sort of attitude , so I 'm just about to fucking say something to me , like , how out the shop and everything , and she said what 's the fuck , what 's the matter with you then ?
13 I stayed still , hoping desperately that they would not see me , for I knew that if they did they would lose no time in tormenting me and finally killing me .
14 She was ten years older than me and already married to Jens , himself the youngest son of a neighbouring farmer , without property of his own .
15 I had a fishing net with me and carefully fished it out .
16 Me and just sit there copying them .
17 ‘ Raja had it in for me and just waited its time .
18 and I was gon na go and apply for but then Neil he sent for me and just asked me , just told me there was a job come up in the office and if I wanted it
19 So you do n't have to touch it , you just have to talk to me and just leave it sitting there .
20 We 'd never talked about that day , and we never again came near this old air shaft ; I do n't know what he might have done since but I 'd always assumed he was like me and just tried to forget about it , pretend it never happened .
21 I stop this man and ask him where Bayswater is , but he do n't understand me and just shrugs .
22 ‘ But in the end the club wanted to keep me and even considered getting Margaret Thatcher involved in the transfer after QPR said no . ’
23 Happy are they who never saw me and yet have found faith . ’
24 I was there on my own , because the Yorkshire Television film crew had been positioned on the roof of the Palace , and would have been quite at a loss but a lady from the Yorkshire Post spotted me and kindly accompanied me for a little while .
25 You made a fool of me and thoroughly enjoyed doing it !
26 Benjamin nodded apologetically to Sir John , beckoned to me and hastily followed .
27 ‘ Oh , yes , I knew you did n't trust me and probably do n't now .
28 ‘ The thing that most impresses me and most encourages my students when I use Streamline is that Streamline is an audiovisual course .
29 Must remember to spoon up my soup away from me and not slurp it all down my chin .
30 You said jump up by me and not sit , like .
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