Example sentences of "me [conj] [pron] tell " in BNC.

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1 I ask you if you like me and you tell me you ‘ fancy ’ me — is n't that the word you British use to describe a lustful attraction ? ’
2 ‘ Do you remember what you said to me in this very room when I begged you to marry me and you told me that you were going to marry him ?
3 ‘ They 'll hurt me if I tell you … ’
4 Maybe it 's not easy to see what all this has to do with cancer , but you must bear with me if I tell you that it has .
5 ‘ I know you 're all going to take the piss out of me if I tell you what I honestly thought . ’
6 ‘ What 's the comeback for me if I tell you ? ’
7 You would n't believe me if I told you . ’
8 Of course , I 've always loved her but I 'd no idea she felt the same way about me until she told me this afternoon .
9 I know she likes me cos she told me .
10 I know Marie likes me cos she told me .
11 I had desperately wanted to rush outside and leave the whole wretched affair behind me but something told me I had to stay and face the music .
12 That " say I 'm all the world to you , you 're out of your mind " " I know there 's someone else and I could kiss your behind " , Those " you say I 'm terrific but your taste was always rotten " feelings , " Go away , I need you " , " Come to me , I 'll kill you " , " Darling , I 'll do anything to keep you with me till you Tell me that you love , me , oh you did , now beat it will you " blues .
13 They liked me because I told them dirty jokes , made good after-dinner speeches , did a reasonable job for them in terms of links with government and that kind of thing , and had a bit of class .
14 I went to sit by her , I do n't know why , because seeing that baby was twisting the knife tighter , but I did , and she put her arm around me while I told her . ’
15 For you sit here , thousands of miles away from Palestine , a land which most of you will never see , and yet which you will certainly pay for-with your money , yes , and some of you with your blood and sweat — you sit here and you listen to me as I tell you about this impossible , this ridiculous dream , and it does n't occur to you that we are all mad , you and I and all our people ? ’
16 I do n't think the woman in the New York Avis office believed me when I told her that I wanted to hire a convertible .
17 I had an abortion , without telling anyone ; the father left me when I told him of the pregnancy .
18 If I could do that I could do anything , as a chef once said to me when I told him he had sprinkled sugar on a steak and kidney pie .
19 " I want to know what you 're up to , " he said , and I do n't think he believed me when I told him I was only trying to find out whether there were any rabbits who wanted to leave the warren .
20 He did n't believe me when I told him about you , which just goes to show how much people judge by outward appearances .
21 Well Geoff laughed at me when I told him .
22 Nicola did n't believe me when I told her she thought I was playing a joke
23 Milk up Nicola did n't believe me when I told her .
24 And you must believe me when I tell you I 'd rather have been with you than in any of those exotic places . ’
25 ‘ You must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and discharge my duties as the heir to the throne without the help and support of the woman I now loathe . ’
26 You must believe me when I tell you that they 're out there on the plain somewhere and coming towards us .
27 And believe me when I tell you that I 'll do whatever I have to do to make you stay here . ’
28 ‘ Oh , I know you wo n't believe me when I tell you that he doctored that fuel blend to make me look a fool , but one of the boys back in London knows ; he 's going to have my work independently checked before Jason gets home ! ’
29 Will you trust me when I tell you anything ? ’
30 I thought he was conning me when he told me his plan .
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