Example sentences of "me [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't honestly expect me to agree to a statement like that , do you ? ’ he snapped violently .
2 ‘ The trouble is that I know that all the time he 's only trying to ingratiate himself in order to get me to agree to a merger .
3 It is normal for me to report to the Council 's Planning Committee the end of year disease statistics and any recommendations which might be necessary in line with the management strategy .
4 ‘ Unless , of course , you 'd prefer me to report to the Reichsführer that we lost this man because of your stupidity . ’
5 I finally stopped going to school when Charlie did , and Eva arranged for me to go to a college where I could finish my A levels .
6 The Prince wants me to go to a bloody ball . ’
7 ‘ They want me to go to a mental hospital , Mum . ’
8 But I was n't struck by any thunderbolts or lightning flashes , and when talking about the dance afterwards in the Met Office I merely remarked to the officer on duty that I 'd met a very nice corporal and he 'd asked me to go to the Station cinema with him on Saturday .
9 ONE AFTERNOON KĀLI BROUGHT THE COWS HOME EARLY AND CAME rushing over to ask me to go to the forest with her to collect a load of pine-needles .
10 Herman S. has just telephoned to ask me to go to the theatre with Ivy and him next Thursday — to see Samuel Beckett 's new play .
11 Mrs Aggie ’ — she turned and glanced at Aggie — ‘ paid for me to go to the penny school . ’
12 My mother would n't allow me to go to the meeting last night — you know she despises anything Irish . "
13 He advised me to go to the Academy and work with Professor Dachauer .
14 I dare not spend another farthing , and it would be suicide for me to go to the bank , even if Richard agreed , which he wo n't . ’
15 Then I think : he 'll have worked that out as well , so he 'll expect me to go to the car .
16 Something forced me to go to the orchard .
17 Well we went off and got off at Peel which was the other with the all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time because I 've been to the police and reported it .
18 He said it 's happened before and he advised her to go to the police and er so he , he said er when and the police st told her , when you come back we 'll have all this typed out i and she came back all with a flask all bandaged up and she said the chemist advised me to go to the police and er so she said that 's why I 've been a long time , because I 've been to the police and reported it .
19 And she would like me to go to the well women 's clinic every Wednesday it 's run .
20 She wants me to go to the theatre though , I do n't think she 'll enjoy Chekhov very much .
21 Oi Dan I 've got ta , I 've got ta play you , I 've got ta play you later on of me apologizing to the Norwegians .
22 The theory was that the effort of changing would keep me pinned to the table , diligent and creative .
23 Other similarities between the suicide and the anorexic seem to me to relate to the individual 's reactions to an impinging world .
24 Would you wish me to write to the Council and ask them what 's going on ?
25 He said he 'd flown over urgently to see me and asked me to come to the Cheshire Cheese , that pub in Fleet Street , at ten o'clock that night .
26 After a short , complicated conversation in our melange of languages , she left me to battle with my clothes and the shower , returning only to tell me to come to the house of Sheikha Grandmother .
27 ‘ This woman told me to come to the church and do some healing . ’
28 ‘ Bob , ’ said Tessa , when he had put the phone down again , ‘ do you want me to come to the funeral or not ? ’
29 Yeah well it 's rare for me to come to the doctor 's but last three week I 've been here like every week , kind of thing .
30 ‘ Exactly as he phoned me last night , and told me to come to the wedding . ’
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