Example sentences of "your [noun sg] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Your branch recently contacted the Parish Council about a sealed item which you are holding for us .
2 Must have put your hair in did you ?
3 " Your mum just married his dad . "
4 Your mum just bought you a packet of Smarties at shop each .
5 That 's it an approved credit guideline and er that is the problem at the moment that the approved er credit guideline for the non T S G schemes is really insufficient and is having to be propped up er from elsewhere within the budget , your Chairman yesterday met with the er gentleman er the suited gentleman from Bedford and , and er having er given them appropriate cups of coffee er , impressed upon them that the er the one point two was really insufficient for one or two million er , er credit approvals was really insufficient for the needs of Suffolk and er they went away did they not Chairman saying that they er appreciated the point whether you had success or not or perhaps to er wait until December ?
6 Your testosterone makes you more aggressive , your pleasure more externalized ; for her , even at this stage , the stimuli are more affective , more emotional .
7 I have been asked to pass on to you comments received from a member of the public about the gate in the fence which your department recently erected round the play equipment on Scorton playing field .
8 Well you had your telly on did n't you ?
9 Tell your car insurance company too ; with your car now garaged , they may offer a reduction in their premiums , which will partly offset the rise in your buildings insurance .
10 Your priest only knew about the past .
11 Some of the prize designs being in Italian architecture and some in Gothic , your Committee particularly directed its inquiries to the question whether ( apart from considerations of taste ) either style had the advantage as to cheapness , commodiousness of arrangement , or facilities for light and ventilation .
12 But you had a walk on your lead yesterday did n't you ?
13 Your meeting also highlighted a 10p differential in fares between Kirknewton and Edinburgh , depending on whether a journey was made during the morning or evening peak .
14 Your author recently had 49 parcels to his place of work by Red Star from London Heathrow parcels point .
15 If you appeal against your dismissal , and your appeal is rejected , you may wonder whether your job legally came to an end at the time of your original dismissal or when the appeal was eventually turned down .
16 Was there a point in time when your sound actually clicked ?
17 ‘ You mean your husband deliberately obliterated these recordings ? ’
18 " Who at the Lab would know that your husband always answered the phone ? "
19 No doubt your gran often gave your mum the benefit of her advice but it probably never occurred to her , as it has n't occurred to you , that your mother longs for love , company and sex .
20 GIVEN THAT Jacob 's Mouse have been involved in this rock ‘ n ’ roll malarkey in some form or another from an age when your hack still believed a bosom was Captain Birdseye 's right hand man on the SS Fishfinger , you would , perhaps — just like the kids of Bury St Edmunds — expect Sam , Jebb and Hugo to be precocious little shits with heads as big as Frank Sidebottom 's .
21 ‘ Mr Blake , your fiancée just arrived from England . ’
22 Your contact also knew you were attacked yesterday .
23 Drew Watson A little bit of cheek there , Drew … with your tongue firmly imbedded in it .
24 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
25 Your aunt never wanted for anything . ’
26 Your father just lost his cool a little , I suppose . ’
27 Now for my questions : It seems that your father willingly admitted his killer .
28 Did you did you know what your father ever thought of the modern coffins ?
29 Always remember that your father never sold his country .
30 ‘ You know your father almost went bankrupt about a year ago ? ’
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