Example sentences of "did not [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Both of them realised that he had abandoned all pretence that Sally-Anne was an ordinary young woman come to work in Vetch Street , but neither of them pursued the matter , Dr Neil from delicacy , and Sally-Anne because she could not tell him the real truth about herself — he would undoubtedly immediately send her back to the embassy , and she did not want that at all — it would be failure .
2 Edward did not want that spell to end .
3 The difficulty was that the evangelicals took a low view of the deans and chaplains of colleges , and did not expect that anything run by them would have force and challenge .
4 Though the Daily News has continued to publish without its workers , managers did not expect that the unions would persuade news-stands , sometimes with strong-arm tactics , to stop selling the paper .
5 As a result I knew that I had recovered everything within the detecting capabilities of my old machine and did not expect that there would be anything left to be found .
6 He did not expect that he would have to go to war over the Holy Places , but if he was called upon to do so , he thought that he could produce the men , guns and money he would need for victory .
7 She had not the least interest in the fortunes of Italy , did not care that once more liberty and unity were the watchwords , and it astonished her that Mrs Browning could seem as anxious about war as she did about her sister 's health .
8 She did not care that he 'd called her a whore .
9 The next step was to admit indirect words : a trust did not demand that the trustee should be addressed with a properly phrased request .
10 Openness did not demand that he tell her he had suggested it .
11 They did not contest that they participated in the crime ring , but said they had no choice because of pressure from Chinese secret societies .
12 In other words , it did not appear that the ending of a temporary job increased the likelihood of long-term unemployment .
13 When the number of fixed-term contract or agency workers was expressed in relation to the size of the total labour force in the establishment , it did not appear that larger establishments were more likely to make use of temporary workers than smaller ones [ see Table 3.4 ] .
14 It did not appear that this was a major problem .
15 ‘ It may be that those involved in the sale of gilt options did not realise that they actually increased the risk to which the council was exposed rather than reducing it . ’
16 So taken was I with this vision of perfect Iceland that I did not realise that I had walked into a skua colony , not , that is , until one fearless great skua hit me .
17 Scotland , on the other hand , open the World Cup against Costa Rica in Genoa — shades of Dortmund in 1974 when they sauntered to a 2-0 win over Zaire and did not realise that this was the game to build up a healthy balance of goals .
18 He did not realise that they had learnt to expect food from him , and were simply shouting : ‘ I want my dinner ! ’
19 When István Széchenyi Proposed the regulation of Hungary 's rivers , he probably did not realise that his suggestion would eventually lead , later in the century , to the three little islands in the Danube , just a couple of miles upstream from central Budapest , being girdled together by a retaining wall .
20 They did not realise that the obligations they were taking on left them with no leeway to cope with worsening market conditions .
21 A number of the respondents did not realise that the ATB offered such a wide range of training .
22 But they did not realise that they were making errors ; the subjects were convinced that hypnosis had actually helped them to remember the poem accurately .
23 She knew that Bob paid her no attention , but did not realise that his interest lay with Sarah Butler , down at Cherry Tree Farm .
24 While he was in the stable saddling up his horse , he did not realise that his mother-in-law was only now breaking the news to Sarah that she would be remaining in Leeds .
25 They did not realise that three years would elapse before Black 's injuries would be sufficiently stabilised to enable them to be measured by his doctors or that there are factors in the functioning of the United Kingdom judicial system which would thwart him from securing justice in the courts .
26 My own view is that neither Mr Baker nor Mrs Rumbold knew very much about the complex debate that has been going on at least since Rousseau about progressive education , and that they did not realise that my Group would be strongly opposed to Mrs Thatcher 's views about grammar and rote-learning .
27 I suspect they did not realise that words such as ‘ grammar ’ or ‘ progressive ’ reflect very different meanings according to context , or that the language of educational discussion had changed radically since they were at school .
28 Many people did not realise that there are different kinds of grammar , and that conventions in the use of language keep changing .
29 Because they had been told that research shows that the teaching of grammar restricts the imagination , imposing a strait-jacket of conventions , they did not realise that it all depends on what kind of grammar is taught and in what contexts .
30 Fleischmann and Pons , who did not realise that they had measured their neutron signal incorrectly , thought that their cell was producing 10 000 neutrons per cm 3 of palladium each second ( in fact the totality of neutrons from cosmic rays , from the concrete in the laboratory , from radon and other gases seeping through the air vents may have been responsible for almost all of these and the fusion neutrons , if there were any , were far fewer ) , and so Jones ' data did n't appear very impressive .
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