Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What would our trade be , if we did not combine together ?
2 Such an objective would be ill-founded if the process of integration did not aim also at the Community 's complete monetary integration which can only be achieved through the establishment of a European currency union .
3 The college authorities did not aim solely or mainly for brilliant scholars or outstanding athletes , but to develop and train those who were capable of a good pass or honours degree .
4 If the second measurement did not tally exactly with the first , it meant that there was something wrong with the patient 's stomach .
5 Numerically , it was an impressive record but it did not bear too much scrutiny .
6 Blatchford did not reckon much to the artistic qualities of the old-fashioned melodrama presented on the stage , but he thought the audience ‘ were human enough for anything ’ .
7 US jungle troops used to spend a week eating local food before starting active combat , to ensure their body odour — partly derived from Western foods — did not give away their location to the enemy .
8 Something to account for her needing to get into the Workshops , but something that did not give away the Beastline people 's plans to attack Tara ?
9 The two methods correlated ( r=0.69 ) and did not give significantly different overall outputs ( p=0.38 ) .
10 as if Erdle knew something about him , or his background , that he did not want generally known .
11 He insisted the polls indicated that the voters did not want either the Tories or Labour to win outright .
12 His main concern appeared to be that he did not want too many parents to be able to read it because they would find it attractive .
13 George cried , who did not want so marvellous an evening to end .
14 But soon it was clear that the dairyman did not want so many dairymaids at this time of year .
15 Neumann , conveniently , attributes to me a generalization I did not make then proceeds to refute it .
16 If scio was not thought adequate at classical law , the reason can be only that it did not make sufficiently clear that the testator intended a trustee to be legally obliged to make property over to a beneficiary .
17 We were friends but it is a pity he did not make that clear . ’
18 The Director of the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum , Dr Rheinhold Baumstark , did say though that , while the collection was rich in such items , it did not contain really major works of art no Rubens , nor a Giambologna , for example .
19 She did not expect very much .
20 He did not benefit much , scoring 23 before he snicked Snell 's out-swinger , as he did in the first innings , to be caught by the keeper .
21 He chose a route back down the hill that did not involve too many serious gradients , moving from Roseberry Road to Warburton Drive to Chesterton Terrace and , from there , doubling back along a series of streets with an offensively tangible air of esprit de corps — Lowther Park Drive , where people called to each other over their Volvos and , even worse , Stapleton Road , a place that seemed almost permanently on the verge of a street party .
22 ‘ It is to Foinavon 's eternal credit that he did not refuse either at the melee when he had every excuse to or when he was out on his own especially when he was tiring , ’ Buckingham said .
23 Atlantic Conveyor , a converted merchantman , did not carry either Abbey Hill or chaff launchers .
24 A third of the Membership claimed to be unemployed and their reduced subscriptions of £6 did not cover even mailing costs .
25 He was able to achieve this amount of leisure because he did not intervene much in the work of the Departments .
26 Dusterandus is not mentioned , perhaps because Octavia simply did not care even to consider his merits as a husband .
27 Hindley did not care what they did , as long as they kept out of his way , and they did not care even if he punished them .
28 We did not care very much for politics .
29 In showing this place to her and wanting to see her walking in it , he was making her a deep gesture of friendship ; she was sorry that she did not care more .
30 More than eight out of 10 consumers , out of a sample of about 1,500 , said their consumption of meat and fish was unaffected by health considerations and 60% did not care about calories , while more than half claimed not to worry about calories , while more than half claimed not to worry about salt , sugar or caffeine .
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