Example sentences of "did [adv] [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Of those who did eventually end up in court , the acquittal rate by March 1985 was 24 per cent ( Wallington , 1985 : 150 ) .
2 The CEGB did eventually carry out its test drilling on the farm at Luxulyan .
3 They did eventually go out of the house but he was about done and then he comes in five to seven .
4 Which er I did eventually get on to and was a convenor for quite a number of years .
5 Filmer did eventually come down , but with Daffodil .
6 Mr Templeton of the STA bluntly stated that " either the men or the women must cease to exist as comps " , 76 while Mrs Pankhurst , speaking in North Berwick , remarked that " the women were between the devil and the deep sea " .77 But that unity did eventually come about .
7 However , it did eventually become well known , and for 20 years organic mercurials were the most potent diuretics in clinical use .
8 ‘ When Warren did eventually turn up he was marvellously witty and entertaining — but unfortunately that was only when the cameras WERE N'T rolling .
9 After a year in which the Treasury 's forecasting failures ( notably that very large trade deficit ) have been rather obvious , it is only fair to recall that it did presciently point out just about every awkward little detail of the poll tax , from its automatic upward impact on inflation to the folly of providing local authorities with a golden opportunity to raise more tax while blaming the Government .
10 Even if he did politely turn down Branson 's parting offer of a seat on Virgin 's inaugural flight — for obvious reasons .
11 And Mr Griffiths said there was now evidence that the banks DID secretly work together .
12 If he did so intend then , in the case of a child over the age of 16 , his interpretation of the law was inconsistent with the express words of section 8(3) of the Act of 1969 .
13 The circumstances under which they did so do not appear from the report of the case .
14 More hours did generally mean more advertising revenue for ITV , and the companies frequently pressed the government for expansion .
15 What would our trade be , if we did not combine together ?
16 Such an objective would be ill-founded if the process of integration did not aim also at the Community 's complete monetary integration which can only be achieved through the establishment of a European currency union .
17 The college authorities did not aim solely or mainly for brilliant scholars or outstanding athletes , but to develop and train those who were capable of a good pass or honours degree .
18 If the second measurement did not tally exactly with the first , it meant that there was something wrong with the patient 's stomach .
19 Irina , who did not dress up for Ludens , was wearing a simple faded old dress , frail with much washing , the sleeves rolled up well above her elbows .
20 Numerically , it was an impressive record but it did not bear too much scrutiny .
21 Blatchford did not reckon much to the artistic qualities of the old-fashioned melodrama presented on the stage , but he thought the audience ‘ were human enough for anything ’ .
22 They did not give up their privileges easily .
23 The petition did not succeed , but the governors did not give up .
24 But Booth did not give up .
25 Orkney Islands Council did not give up without a fight .
26 Yet still Lesley still did not give up , keeping after her attacker and sending a radio SOS to police control with her call sign , Delta Romeo Three Two .
27 Fergie did not give up easily .
28 The member of parliament did not give up his efforts to find a place for the young officer , but the close connection between parliamentary politics and placement was made abundantly clear by Scott 's insistence to his correspondent that the young man 's father , a Dundee councillor , would first have to make clear ‘ whether he is to be friendly ’ to the politician .
29 But the Padre did not give up easily .
30 Storms blew down the trees , fires ravaged the plantation , dry years killed our saplings — but we did not give up , we laboured on ! "
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