Example sentences of "well [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 CANNY Scottish graduates may do well out of a scheme being launched on Saturday .
2 Ding Dong Bell is another good nursery rhyme , and for this make a well out of a round piece of sponge cake laying on its side .
3 As has been noted , services are far less easy prey to import penetration ; and the broad financial sector fared well out of a sharp rise in inflation and the high interest rates which accompanied it in the early 1970s .
4 She got the food well out of the way mid-afternoon , devised a tongue-teasing cocktail , and asked all the people she loved .
5 Ladybirds have done well out of the exceptional summer , as have sweet chestnut trees ; this is the first year that I can recall collecting chestnuts locally that are large enough to eat .
6 There is a spacious loggia , and several nooks well out of the wind .
7 It 's a taste that seems to be catching on in Japan , replacing a traditional fancy for whale meat , which is now priced well out of the range of most Japanese pockets .
8 These are also designed with an eye to reassuring those who did well out of the switch from rates to poll tax .
9 The Conservative Party was the only other major political party to do well out of the inter-war years .
10 When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening .
11 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
12 FOR reasons that go deep into its past , Hungary has not done well out of the twentieth century .
13 This is a very nasty rip-off trick to play on the unsuspecting public as a petrol crank will last until well out of the guarantee period before giving up the unequal struggle .
14 It had the additional advantage that it was well out of the way of prying headquarters staff and was being established as a forward base for the LRDG .
15 He was keeping his feet well out of the way , following where his horse ate .
16 Attempts were to be made to ensure that the cities would continue to do well out of the rate-support grant .
17 So what if it is somewhere well out of the way of your day-to-day life , you 're paying , are n't you ?
18 Place a candle on a table , well out of the way of draughts , and encourage partygoers to get about a foot away from it .
19 This was well out of the village , although it was still part of the estate .
20 THERE is a degree of planetary turmoil to contend with in November although , because much of it is focused in a sign entirely compatible with your own , you may do rather well out of the situation .
21 Three of her rivals are well out of the handicap ; Celtic Bob will not be improving at 13 ; and Petty Bridge needs a much longer trip .
22 A brown glass-fronted splash back gives the Vision a very distinctive appearance , and we 've put the oven vent well out of the way behind the grill to avoid dirt traps .
23 So it pays to keep all of them well out of the reach of young , inquisitive hands .
24 The marital relationship was very tense and often violent so mother wanted Suzy well out of the way when her husband was angry .
25 Serbia had done well out of the Congress , but disliked the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ( resistance to which was suppressed by force ) .
26 Everyone , it seemed , was doing well out of the erosion of the 1878 settlement except the Russians , for whom that settlement had been a defeat in the first place .
27 Velocities up to are well out of the range of the rotation velocity ( 250kms -1 ) of the galaxy NGC4258 7 and are much higher than any velocities known for molecular gas in our Galaxy or other galaxies ( for example for H 2 O maser in for CO in the galaxy for OH in the galaxy NGC253 13 ) .
28 This was highly unusual , since most golfers prefer their caddies to be well out of the way for such crucial short putts .
29 In 1660 the Company of Royal Adventurers had been formed to look for gold , but it very soon realized that the switch to using slaves in the West Indies to grow sugar had transformed the trading situation , and that the Dutch had done very well out of the new developments in the British West Indies .
30 At minimum it sinks to 10 , well out of the range of binoculars .
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