Example sentences of "well [verb] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 In any case one may well think that the sheer effort of dotting ‘ i's and crossing ‘ t's was draining .
2 It is well proven that the stronger the team , the stronger the back-up and support system , the stronger are the chances of success — and you ca n't have all this without financial support .
3 Transnational corporations in the grain business , financing its production , trans ’ porting it around the world , building handling facilities , processing it , breeding fine seeds , might well consider that the inhibition of Third World grain production will maximize their profits .
4 Secondly , we may well doubt that the reconciliation of opposites is really a sound principle for defining poetry , whether it is truly applicable to all the texts one would wish to include under the heading of poetry or good literature .
5 ‘ Do n't you fucking well know that the enemy have been mortaring the village green for the past four or five minutes while you have been playing those fucking bagpipes ? ’
6 You may well know that the other person 's reaction is based on a tiny part of the situation but there is not much you or he can do about it .
7 Heirs to the freedoms which , on the threshold of the Sixties , Take a girl like you may be thought to have assisted in inaugurating , but which it also contrived to criticise , young people now seem to feel that the old Patrick belonged to a sexist work , and they may well feel that the old Adam has surfaced again in the new Patrick .
8 Indeed , one may imagine that in their private lives these same authors may well feel that the visit of the in-laws or attendance at some social function or a distant relative , two of the few reminders of the once overwhelming burden of personal social relations , are curbs upon their own ‘ freedom ’ .
9 It has been well argued that the payment having been voluntary , it can not be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
10 It has been well argued that the payment having been voluntary , it can not be recovered back in an action for money had and received .
11 It has been well argued that the development of the Atlantic began as far back as Precambrian times .
12 It has been well argued that the great procession , headed by the Host and including the orders of the Church and social guilds , interrupted by the plays performed by the guild members reminding followers of the archetypal story of God 's plan of salvation from the Creation to the Last Judgement , provided opportunity for participating in that sense of unity beyond division which is the heart of Christian belief , and which underpins the social value put on the more isolated lives of contemplatives .
13 And in posing these questions I well appreciate that the terms in which I five is presented are exactly those in the approved structure plan , with the exception of the deletion of the specific references to certain town centres and provision .
14 I can well understand that the political and governing classes are unhappy to see citizens associating freely in each other 's homes , in pubs and private clubs .
15 He well sees that the poor among the free men joined the slaves against the rich , so that the whole social structure was in danger ( 36.1 1 ) .
16 It was almost as if she was surrounded by a choir , with each person allocated one word , but so well rehearsed that the sentences flowed seamlessly along .
17 Wherever we see an ancient town church without a churchyard , we may well suspect that the town is the daughter of some mother village near by — now completely overshadowed by its offspring — and that it came into existence at a comparatively late date , since the Norman Conquest anyway , and most probably in the twelfth or thirteenth century .
18 Thus , he argued , while we may well believe that the world is in fact designed by God , we can not prove it .
19 Conservatives may well believe that the abuse of their authority by men is wrong , but that relationships in which one sex is in such a position that it could so abuse the other are in themselves wrong can not be admitted .
20 She could well believe that the betrayed husband had taken his ultimate revenge centuries before .
21 Some , who have experienced only the old-style rote learning of facts and dates , may well believe that the subject is already educationally bankrupt and will take a great deal of persuading that history is not only educationally solvent and viable but is vital to the balance and well-being of the curricular economy of the 1990s .
22 At the same time the actions of Theudebert and Chilperic , as well as those of the disloyal followers covered by the Treaty of Andelot , show that kings were expected to offer incentives , and we may well believe that the distribution of land and wealth was the major factor in ensuring that a king had a loyal following .
23 There were dangers in this silence — Wilson well understood that the steady remittance of funds for the care of Oreste constituted a claim on him over and above that of natural parentage — but she thought them worth risking .
24 The price is so basic that , if the parties have expressly left it over for later agreement , the court may well conclude that the parties did not intend to make and have not made , a contract .
25 If I notice the banker fidget and look at his watch , I may well conjecture that the game is about to be brought to an end , and I may therefore feel tempted to defect .
26 For example , the management of a retail chain specialising in inexpensive furniture might well decide that the goal of quality is not its first priority .
27 The description of feelings and emotions are so well portrayed that the reader is able to feel with the character at every twist and turn of their lives .
28 A fundamentalist might well assert that the situation bears witness to the resilience and tenacity of Christian faith .
29 It may well happen that the student in considering this comes to the conclusion that there is no contract between Pickwick and Podder .
30 Now it may well happen that the moon rises in the sky but because it 's in the earth shadow we ca n't see it .
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