Example sentences of "now [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At one station we were stopped for several hours alongside a troop train on which I discovered the Reverend R.H.L. Slater , now enrolled as an army chaplain , who told me the comforting news that my wife and three children had got away from Myitkyina a day or two earlier .
2 To judge by the events of the past week , Michael Heseltine has now enrolled in the Nixon school .
3 But he knew why the moment he entered the old schoolroom , for after allowing him to pass her she closed the door and stood with her back to it , her pale face , now tinged to a deep red , thrust out towards him as she cried , ‘ Think you 're smart , do n't you ?
4 This was well captured by George Orwell who , in Coming up for air ( 1939 ) , describes the return of George Bowling , after 18 unimaginative years in insurance and marriage to the joyless Hilda , and now shaken by the fear of a future war , returns to the village of his childhood : Lower Binfield .
5 ‘ People are entitled to be angry — the cynical deceit of the Tory election campaign , the easy promise that all the economy needed was the reassurance of a Tory victory , all now exposed in the harsh light of the real world . ’
6 He envisages that a change in outlook may derive from appreciation of the complex event sequences that new techniques have now exposed in the Quaternary ; from appraisal of the classical models of change to accommodate the realization that extreme rapidity of change now has to be considered when evaluating chronological biotal and geomorphological processes ; from adjustment of geomorphology to new knowledge of Quaternary change such as rate of ice sheet growth and decay ; and similar adjustment of biogeography and of palaeoclimatology .
7 Move the paper down to row B and check your answer against the correct one now exposed in the third column .
8 But unfortunately it has fallen face down and Shelley 's " shattered visage " is now pressed to the " lone and level sands " .
9 Her wrists were by now fastened to the post , and she was helpless .
10 With planning consent now received for an improved access for the physically handicapped and an extension to provide a parish office and toilet for the disabled , tenders will shortly be invited for the building works .
11 The loop is now formed around the bobbin case , and the thread drawn back through the needle by the take-up lever usually found on the front of the machine .
12 That what I always call a family , is now referred to a lot a lot as a family .
13 The report is now referred to the Personnel Committee on 11 May 1993 and on agreement will be implemented as soon as practically possible thereafter .
14 There is nothing in the history of the 1920s and 1930s to justify the cosy nostalgia that is now cloaked around the pre-war years .
15 The Middle East Economic Digest of Oct. 23 was also sceptical of the Sunday Times report , claiming that it ran counter to the " general view in Damascus that it is the president 's son Basel al-Assad> who is now favoured for the succession " .
16 It had shifted from its deep root and was loosened so that all the ‘ bad ’ — as his mother had called it — was now gathered into the volcanic pimple .
17 The askaris are now gathered around the vehicles , perhaps fearing that the Masai will attack them .
18 Their movement was direct and purposeful , quite unlike the earlier , haphazard approach of those who were now gathered in the ditch .
19 Traditionally tanned leathers will need to be treated with a good wax proofing agent to make them water resistant , although some leathers are now treated at the tanneries with special waterproof finishes .
20 The name Piercea is , however , now treated as a synonym of Rivina .
21 On the strength of this scanty victory ( 23,000 votes , i.e. 28 per cent of the total number cast ) this largely unknown candidate was now treated by the media as ‘ the front runner ’ and ‘ the man to beat ’ , allowing him to gather the momentum that finally brought him the Democratic nomination .
22 With just 3,839 points , however , the odds are now stacked against the former Middlesbrough and Cleveland Harrier reaching 7,850 points , the qualifying score the winner must achieve to claim an automatic place in Britain 's Olympic team .
23 But with the Dalai Lama , who fled to India in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule , now honoured with a Nobel Peace Prize not merely for his religious work but for ‘ his struggle for the liberation of Tibet ’ , China 's efforts to keep him and his cause in quarantine will be all the more difficult .
24 That is a principle which is now honoured in the breach , most notably in the power extended to police officers to issue instructions to prevent an apprehended breach of the peace , a power which apparently is subject to very little effective judicial scrutiny or control .
25 The focal points of the diagram are now arranged down the left-hand side of Figure 7.2 below .
26 Salaries were now arranged in a more systematic hierarchy and paid more regularly than in the past .
27 Dismissals are now explained as an inevitable response to pressures beyond managerial control be they the result of higher taxes to pay for the public finance deficit or the need to introduce even greater levels of mechanization to meet world competition .
28 The chair had spun out of the central track along the ridge and was now skewed at the precipitous edge of what would be a steep and stony career .
29 The text of Lumen Gentium had been more or less left alone , but it was now prefixed by an ‘ Explanatory Note ’ ( Nota praevia ) which , it was clear when Archbishop Felici communicated it formally to the Council two days later , had come from Pope Paul himself .
30 Here , the only water is from artesian wells , now contaminated by the industrial effluent and the huge garbage-dump , where the rubbish from Nova Iguacu has been partly ploughed back into the disturbed hillside .
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