Example sentences of "no one who [verb] " in BNC.

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1 No one who owns half of Australia can be ordinary !
2 No one who heard him could doubt the strength of his commitment .
3 The last was probably his strongest card , and no one who heard this broadcast on May 28th could doubt that it was the one about which he cared the most .
4 While the presiding officer in charge of a polling station has the right to ask questions of any voter whose identity or capacity to vote is in doubt , no one who attended at the station said they had been challenged .
5 In the sense that myself and another doctor , I think two doctors have to agree that the patient is terminal , and I think that would have been likely ; as a matter of fact , I knew f no one who felt we should push ahead , and he had four or five physicians in different roles dealing with him , so he would have fulfilled the definition of being terminal .
6 ‘ There 's no one who bears you a grudge ? ’
7 One person 's point of believing may be another person 's point of doubting ; there is no one who does not have some faith .
8 My mind turned back to the man Mrs Bradshaw had accosted in the garden , but I knew of no one who bore me that kind of grudge or , if he did , would take it out on me in such a petty and spiteful way .
9 No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him . ’
10 No one who continues to sin has either seen him or knows him .
11 No one who seeks to impose his will by terror can have a constructive role to play in the resolution of the conflict in Northern Ireland .
12 Bawden lived in that house for 30 years , and no one who went there could forget its atmosphere , partly created by its English artists ' eccentricity of decor .
13 No one who went to foreign language movies in the late Sixties will easily forget the extraordinary films that seemed to pour out of the state-owned studios of Czechoslavakia .
14 Les , finally reunited with his beloved dog , was especially moved that no one who had helped to care for him would accept the £50 award .
15 The neglected appearance of so much crofting land is not a reflection of current under-use , but of too intensive use in the past , when land was put under the plough , or rather the spade , which no one who had freedom of choice would ever have broken in .
16 No one who had stared into the chaos of the warp , no one whose living was to do so , could be unsophisticated and survive .
17 Such an eventuality — which no one who had studied the results of Irish elections could suppose to be quite improbable — would put us back to February 1974 , when Labour with 37.1% had fewer votes than the Conservatives with 37.9% , but with 301 seats won more than the Conservatives with 297 ; or to 1951 , when the Conservatives with 48.0% had fewer votes than Labour with 48.8% , but with 321 seats won more than labour with 295 .
18 No one who had seen would quite forget it .
19 Certainly Artai would consider no one who had already been married to another , whether she had children or not .
20 No one who had ever stood on the edge of that abyss where she had been teetering for so long , that held hunger and cold , sickness that could not be treated for lack of a shilling , children one could afford neither to raise nor to bury , would have a harsh word to say .
21 No one who had ever struggled in the mire as she had , could fail to understand .
22 There could be no doubt that the gentleman was out to flatter Lady Merchiston , for no one who had played with her could fail to notice that she cheated .
23 No one who thinks for a moment will suppose that that is a path in which there are no hills to climb .
24 Rye should furnish the topography , so that no one who knew Rye could possibly be in doubt where the scene was laid , and I would call it Tilling because Rye has its river , the Tillingham .
25 In that role he made headlines by disagreeing with Mrs Thatcher over participation at the Moscow games ; his robust independence surprised no one who knew him well .
26 No one who mattered .
27 But no one who thought so would treat the suggestion as an argument that the king can now , as the rules stand , move two steps once a game .
28 He was sure that there was a rich young fellow — no one who looked and behaved like McAllister could be without one .
29 They saw a great deal of each other , but , because Diana was so much younger and usually just one of a party , no one who saw them together ever suspected she was a girlfriend .
30 It was one of the truly marvellous innings , one that no one who saw it could ever forget ; since it has been shown on television virtually every time rain has stopped play in any match since , it would be almost impossible to have forgotten it anyway .
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