Example sentences of "no one can [be] " in BNC.

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1 No one can be tired all the time .
2 No one can be in more than one place at any time , and in the life of a single or an album , a record company needs people working in more than five places all at once .
3 No one can be forced into an ujamaa village , and no official — at any level — can go and tell the members of an ujamaa village what they should do together , and what they should continue to do as individual farmers .
4 No one can be entirely certain .
5 The scale of the problem is thought to have allowed huge thefts but no one can be prosecuted because no records of the plants exist .
6 No one can be quite I happy in an ill-planned house any more than in ill-fitting clothes , and although the ‘ cut' ’ and ‘ ‘ style , ’ are much , they count for nothing in a garment which pinches and annoys the wearer in a hundred ways …
7 The ethics of restoring material in this way can be endlessly debated ; the matter is complicated in the case of Don Carlos because Verdi sanctioned four versions , and no one can be sure he would have disapproved of the restoration of his Paris excisions .
8 In my own case no one can be expected to remember every fine detail of matters they have undertaken .
9 No one can be more intimate in his relationship with our spirit than God 's Spirit .
10 Not because of his trees , you understand , but because no one can be expected to put up with someone singing Kumbaya .
11 The past has gone and no one can be sure of what is to come in the future .
12 No one can be healed if at one level ( often on an unconscious level ) they do not wish to be healed , or if they can not trust , or let go of any fears that may be blocking the flow of healing energies .
13 Possibly for ceremonies marking the annual seasons but no one can be sure .
14 No one can be forced to listen .
15 Here we do not have to ask by what standards the agent estimates benefit , since no one can be benefited if he does not survive .
16 No one can be in any doubt now that she was pulling the strings behind the royal side show that has preoccupied Britain for the past six months .
17 No one can be like that all the time . ’
18 But this again is running against a crucial point in The Lord of the Rings , namely that no one can be trusted , not even ‘ the Keepers of the Three ’ .
19 No one can be quite sure of the actual numbers , though it was certainly not less than this estimate .
20 No one can be quite sure , of course , what has caused the two species to evolve in slightly different ways .
21 No one can be sure how many are left , but it is probably far fewer than 10,000 .
22 No one can be sure that wiser decisions on these points would have prevented disaster , or what would have happened if the world had adopted any of the recent proposals for the use of force .
23 The few oral statements reported in the text are clearly marked as such so that no one can be in doubt as to their hypothetical nature .
24 A person 's social development is thus crucially linked to the physical fact of ageing : no one can be fixed in a low position , but must eventually succeed to the highest status , simply by staying alive .
25 ( Example : Julian Symons 's widely anthologised short story as if By Magic , about a murder on the pier in which the killer is bound to have horribly bloodied his jacket but where no one can be seen in such a state .
26 Even though your settlement may not be in a known danger area , no one can be sure .
27 No one can be trusted .
28 No one can be trusted , ’ Julie said , echoing the words on the paper .
29 No one can be trusted . ’
30 No one can be trusted .
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