Example sentences of "no [noun] [conj] he " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 But there was no kitchen and he sure as hell was in no state to get up , so I was wondering where he was going to get something to drink from .
2 He had no income when he married The Maid of Bath , the singer Miss Linley , but he used the £3,000 she had just been given by a disappointed but grateful , rich admirer , to buy a grand house in London 's fashionable Portman Square , and furnish it lavishly .
3 A person who harassed a neighbour with racist abuse would nevertheless have no defence that he was not acting in public if his words were , ( as he knew ) audible to the person next door .
4 It is no defence that he acted reasonably if in fact the goods are not reasonably fit for their purpose .
5 He had given her no money but he did feed both of them , and this was difficult enough on his grant .
6 He had no money and he was working very hard every day and there were lots of problems and nobody there to take care of them .
7 ‘ They are not yet accustomed to him ’ , and he added prophetically , ‘ … but you will see later on , they 'll all want Modigliani , and in the meantime he has no money and he suffers …
8 Social security is when you have n't got no money and he has got money .
9 But he could hardly have walked to St Matthew 's that way ; there were no signs that he had cleaned his shoes anywhere in the church .
10 He had a serious expression on his face and there were no signs that he had just escaped a raging inferno .
11 The kiss went on forever , and she offered no resistance as he swung her up into his arms and dropped her gently on the bed , coming down with her .
12 Taken by surprise , she offered no resistance when he strode over and , clasping her in his arms , kissed her firmly on the lips .
13 It 's no coincidence that he , like Greene , now lives abroad .
14 So he had no election and he was out of there .
15 There was no way of explaining this , no parallel that he could reach for other than to say : that he 'd once made a wish , and the wish now appeared to have come true .
16 Was it because he had no hope that he had lasted so short a time ?
17 One of the speakers that evening was Gordon Gissing , so I had no hesitation when he told me about his visit to a picturesque narrow ( metre ) gauge system in East Germany , and offered to give us a talk on it .
18 If my view that a doctor incurs no liability if he ignores the request to discontinue treatment made by the mentally unfit and minor is correct , it does not of course follow that he would also be free from liability if he complied with their requests .
19 Removal of the halteres in Calliphora has little or " no effect or he beat-frequency , amplitude and duration of flight but markedly affects the stability of the flying insect .
20 Not unnaturally , as a Conservative supporter , this gave him no pleasure and he was reasonably apprehensive that it would arouse criticism from other persons of the same political persuasion .
21 But the cornice offers no aid and he tumbles and slithers down once more , cursing and swearing and showering me in snow .
22 You get told it 's no good before he 's
23 And it will do his own prospects no harm if he is seen attempting to make up for his failure to sign Alan Shearer in the summer .
24 The bailie apparently also read the correspondence which passed through his hands , perhaps as part of his own political activities , or he would not have learned of the contents of the letter in question , but in any event his adherence to the Duke of Argyll 's friend , Sir Peter Halkett , did him no harm and he was still postmaster of Stirling in 1755 , when his ill-health and reported nearness to death induced Lord John Murray to seek the post , in the event of Maiben 's death , for a Stirling surgeon who was a son of James Graham of Bowhaple , a Perthshire freeholder .
25 Diplomats close to the peace negotiations say Mr Najibullah may be in hiding in Kabul , but there is no indication that he has left the country .
26 But equally , Gale gives no indication that he himself has understood how obviously ridiculous Lamarck 's theories of physics and chemistry were in his own day — and it was on these that his theory of evolution was based .
27 ‘ Karl has given me no indication that he wants to leave and Paul Dixon is the only player they have got who is good enough to get in my side .
28 He gave no indication that he would " escalate " the war ; yet , almost unnoticed , he took in August 1964 a major step towards a full commitment in Vietnam .
29 He handed her a hamburger but made no indication that he had ever met Martin .
30 At times the yoke of his vocation was almost unbearable , although there is no indication that he ever regretted assuming it .
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