Example sentences of "more [adj] because it " in BNC.

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1 I like to know what their intentions are , what they are hoping to achieve in that lesson and that cumulatively becomes more specific because it 's based on what we said last time .
2 To the historian , this makes it more interesting because it presents hostages to fortune , and there is more to interpret .
3 I will tell you my secret belief : that for Gustave , in a way he only half-apprehended , I represented life , and that his rejection of me was the more violent because it provoked in him the deepest shame .
4 Since recruitment by its nature proceeds in waves , the fluctuations can not be avoided , and a serious problem results — all the more serious because it is so difficult to explain to outsiders .
5 The regime 's tendency to conservatism was all the more serious because it coincided with huge socio-economic upheavals associated with modernization and the coming to maturity of the postwar baby boom .
6 I was even more nervous because it mattered so much , and then I could n't stop talking and did n't answer the questions . ’
7 That is an appalling situation , but it is made more appalling because it mainly affects students from the poorest backgrounds , those whose parents are on low incomes and who get no financial help from their parents because they can not afford to give it .
8 Indeed the creation of a split in the city of Plymouth itself , makes that divide even more stark because it 's even more clearly not in the interests of Plymouth , as Plymouth city council have been keen er to point out .
9 Consequently it is possible , even likely , that their observations may have a built-in bias that is the more confining because it is unconscious .
10 The success in putting behind American bars an odious dictator is all the more remarkable because it also neatly winds up the threads of the Iran-Contra scandal .
11 Mrs Thatcher 's dramatic and unexpected exit was even more remarkable because it was the first instance since Neville Chamberlain 's resignation in 1940 of a Prime Minister in good health and eager to continue being forced out of office other than after electoral defeat .
12 The fact that the spadefoot toad has achieved this is all the more remarkable because it is an amphibian , and its need for water is so much greater than that of other land-based animals .
13 Inside Newark 's award-winning display hangar , Prentice T.1 VR249 is receiving a repaint , the silver finish achieved being all the more remarkable because it has been rollered on , not sprayed .
14 ‘ And anyway , ’ whispered another voice , and one that was rather more matter-of-fact because it was her own , ‘ there 's a young eagle out there called Creggan who needs to know a few things if he 's going to survive and be free . ’
15 This facility is made even more useful because it can remain available while the user continues to type at the cursor .
16 Intermittent braking is often more effective because it allows the wheel to re-grip between skids .
17 Used in this way , a chart would probably be more effective because it may be larger and more easily seen at the back of the class .
18 Basil was not a great public speaker but what came through was all the more effective because it had not come easily .
19 J is also said to be more powerful because it can list arrays .
20 Examining psychotic traits from a comparable point of view is more tricky because it is still unclear precisely what properties of brain activity are likely to prove crucial to a description of the schizotypal nervous system .
21 The second is the issue of precatory words ( verba precativa ) in setting up trusts , and is more contentious because it is not commonly accepted that it is a post-classical issue at all .
22 But after defeat at the 1979 election , the feuding within the Labour Party was more severe because it was more highly organized .
23 ‘ The objective of the peace process which is broader and more important because it is bound to change the region , is to implement UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 and land for peace . ’
24 In Lewis the effect of the decline in the inshore fishing industry was all the more dramatic because it looked for a time as if it might be averted .
25 The antipathy to blood sports is more profound because it is unethical to torment and kill any sentient creature for mere entertainment .
26 This is vandalism , all the more wounding because it is authorised by the Secretary of State who is supposed to protect Scotland 's interests .
27 However , the reformulation in [ b ] is not more accurate because it is more specific .
28 It 's even more impressive because it was helped and driven by management through the provision of no capital whatsoever and a 25% drop in manpower ! ’
29 The whole predator 's body , including all its genes , is more successful because it runs faster .
30 A similar situation obtained in the second example which unsurprisingly proved much more difficult because it is unfamiliar and the numbers are more complex .
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