Example sentences of "more [adj] [is] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As a physical description , we expect the passage to contain a large number of physical , concrete nouns ( stakes , bamboo , fences , fishermen , ruins , etc ) but what is more striking is that these concrete nouns are matched by nouns which are more abstract in one way or another .
2 What is rather more strange is that Jenkins should portray the postponement of the positivist revolution as being an anti-radical step .
3 What is even more odd is that like the AV the STV is allowed to retain its original unitary value however often it is transferred and whatever its preferential status .
4 ‘ What I think is more possible is that I 'm right . ’
5 What seems more doubtful is that Charles 's future share in the realm was overtly discussed in June 823 .
6 An added reason why the bond market is about to become more lively is that banks will soon be allowed to set up securities subsidiaries and underwrite corporate issues .
7 Far more interesting is whether the hon. Gentleman and his Back-Bench colleagues support Labour 's new nuclear defence policy — so far as anyone can understand it .
8 Maybe more interesting is whether a smaller unit , the herred , dates from the Viking period .
9 What might be more interesting is if re Christopher reads you his reading book from the library cos it 's really good fun .
10 Much more equivocal is whether the theory has any predictive content .
11 What is even more amazing is that Jesus does not meet the centurion either .
12 What 's even more amazing is that the Heartbreakers ' music is both memorable and professional , something which is seemingly least expected from a New Wave band .
13 What makes Gatsby 's action even more splendid is that he knows by this time that Daisy is not going to leave her husband for him .
14 What might be more dangerous is that forty years of so-called socialism have made people accustomed to a kind of egalitarianism , so that they will not readily tolerate great differences in income or lifestyle .
15 Even more likely is that our first-remembered food was mother 's milk .
16 What seems more likely is that Basquiat could be the beneficiary of a process operating in the market ( and among some critics ) , where artists who appear able to retain their market value in the next decade are promoted and shown , whereas others considered beyond rehabilitation are ignored .
17 The reason why the latter seem more likely is that it is on these major industries that much of the future competition among states for wealth-creating resources will be focused .
18 More likely is that she wrote down ( accurately ) the beginning , remembered the sound of the end , and linked them together in what seemed to her a possible sequence .
19 That more likely is that you realised well nigh immediately that it was Mr , that 's why you said to Mr I 'm arresting you for harbouring an escapee .
20 Although it is frightening that so many people take Ecstasy to guarantee a ‘ good time ’ , what is more frightening is that it takes a Class A drug for them to feel they can lose their inhibitions .
21 What is even more frightening is that the decision-making down here — I am not talking only about the Government , but about the media and the City of London — is conditioned by the thinking of the south-east and of London in particular .
22 More questionable is whether this dainty twirl of the merry-go-round will do much to change the nation — or this government 's ill-fortune .
23 What makes it all the more remarkable is that , unlike other group-living birds , the individuals involved in these mating combinations are not close relatives .
24 But what is more remarkable is that so many farmers were sentimental ( and some impecunious ) enough to keep their hedgerows in for so long .
25 The more substantial is that the justices directed that T. 's contact with her older half-sister should be supervised .
26 And what 's even more sure is that he will do it in some style .
27 What is even more astonishing is that you can see the Wellestream more easily with every passing year .
28 What is more encouraging is that in the same survey the Scottish average rating was 198 against a UK average of six .
29 What makes it more meaningful is that any such authority , whether given in the articles or by a resolution , must state the maximum number of securities which can be issued under it and the date at which the authority will expire .
30 But what is more important is that it outlines the links between casual work and the formal economy , setting these out in terms of declining significance .
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