Example sentences of "more [adj] [prep] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The coincidence between the ordinary predicative and clausal positions is all the more striking in that the inherently restrictive adjectives can not be so used in predicate qualifying position ( where restriction for identification is not appropriate ) ; this is why there is a further contrast between ( 57 ) and ( 59 ) , even though the adjective is one of this inherently restrictive group in both cases , and despite the fact that the property THIRD is certainly compatible in itself with the noun ox : ( 57 ) she considers the Admiral ( to be ) the worst ( e.g. of the village 's gardeners ) ( 58 ) she declared the squire ( to be ) the lazy ( 59 ) the revellers had eaten the ox the third ( 60 ) they ate their steaks well done Example ( 60 ) shows that eat can support predicate qualifiers , so that incompatibility between the verb and the construction can not be given as a reason for the ungrammaticality of ( 59 ) .
2 because my dad was more friendly with but I mean I do n't know , but I ca n't bear people like that I wish they 'd just , you know
3 Objective 1 here is more specific in that it concerns the way in which a programme for intervention , designed to correct a problem , can be derived and constructed .
4 However , its calculatedly oblique and enigmatic avoiding of a direct statement — a withholding made all the more tantalizing in that it includes no less than eighteen declarative verb forms — could have a remarkably powerful effect if we imagine it being read by the person whose unnatural behaviour it describes .
5 The feat was all the more admirable in that the notorious Armstrongs had been among the major headaches in the region under his own jurisdiction , and Willie was among the worst .
6 Scholes 's case is the more telling in that he is far from being a conservative opponent of all recent developments in theory ; he has written favourably of structuralism , and unsympathetically about fictional realism ( for which , indeed , he has been attacked by Tallis ) , and elsewhere in Textual Power he finds deconstructive reading — as opposed to the theory underlying it — a useful critical method .
7 People who you think It 's all melting , there 'll be more wet about but there could well be more deserts and So there 's quite a lot going on there .
8 BL Additional MS 10289 , which contains a copy of Jouglet , is more interesting in that it shows distinct traces of particularly Norman interest , beginning for instance with a long Roman du Mont St Michel , St Michael 's Mount being situated on the coast of Normandy .
9 Speakers 9 and 10 are more interesting in that neither of them used Creole syntactic features or any of the segmental phonological features that are characteristic of Creole , or are identifiably part of the " Patois " stereotype .
10 His lovemaking was different this time , more intense , more assertive as if he was trying to exert some power over her .
11 Exactly , but I mean I rest my case , there 's , when you know their entire story , some of them , it makes you wonder who 's more sinning against than sinning it 's a strange affair .
12 Moreover , such texts are the more dangerous in that they affect us at a subconscious level .
13 It is the stuff of dreams and memories and heady ways on the rock : all the more valuable in that it can be enjoyed at all levels of difficulty .
14 Their stand was all the more remarkable in that it was compiled in extremely murky light .
15 Though the village seemed blessedly free from active dissent , even those most in need seemed more suspicious of than grateful for Frere 's efforts of charitable service .
16 If they 're brought up , I mean , th the child at the beginning is more sinned against than sinning , it 's not his fault he 's a pain in the backside , it 's his brother !
17 By increasing the number of general meetings for members they would have the opportunity to feel more involved in and would make the organisation more democratic .
18 The second candidate — that latent inhibition training might establish stimulus-no event association — is perhaps a little more complex in that this hypothesis requires the addition of a supplementary mechanism to explain why pre-exposure should retard inhibitory as well as excitatory conditioning .
19 These questions are all the more important in that the picture it paints of the real meaning of the New Testament , of Jesus ' message , and of the essential nature of Christianity , accurately reflects an understanding of the matter which is still very widespread among Christians in the present day , though usually in less sophisticated form .
20 Marxist feminism is rather more complicated in that it sees the oppression of women as inextricably linked to the class system .
21 Her situation is slightly more complicated in that she has also been in prison .
22 And so the systems become a little more complicated in that you have to keep records of your customers , of your orders , of your stock , and to some extent , of how your own production , or your assembly , is getting along .
23 The Pechman and Okner study is more refined in that it uses individual observations from the MERGE file rather than income ranges , but similar procedures are applied ( for example , excises are allocated using consumer expenditure survey data ) .
24 It 's a pity she was n't more concerned about whether he was fit for the job or not , whatever his hair style .
25 And I mean one had to be grateful because she was much more concerned about whether I 'd hurt myself falling off the ladder than her wardrobe .
26 Well t , in general , I mean there are some types of support , er more susceptible to but in general .
27 Lamb 's achievement is the more impressive in that he hardly ever bats higher than No. 4 .
28 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
29 The existence of a ban on the legality of the Movement makes the position even more difficult in that it is practically impossible to even get a hall in some areas in which to hold a meeting .
30 The first thesis is more difficult in that it does not express ideology as mere illusion nor as a reflection of real conditions .
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