Example sentences of "than it have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Government claims National Health Service dentists overspent their budget last year by treating more patients than it 'd estimated .
2 In its annual report published on Oct. 2 the Fund confirmed that in the 12 months ended April 30 , 1991 , it had for the first time since 1984-85 made more disbursements ( 6,823 million special drawing rights : SDR1=US$1.365 as at Oct. 2 ) than it had received through repurchases or repayments ( SDR5,608 million ) .
3 But as the days went on the truth became less difficult to live with than it had threatened to be , and she knew that she would never leave her husband because she , too , was to blame .
4 On the other side of the trade ledger , the booming domestic economy drew in 15% more imports last year than it had done in 1989 .
5 The German explanation for the invasion of Belgium and Holland on 10 May 1940 — that it had been necessary in order to forestall a breach of neutrality by the enemy — carried less conviction than it had done in the Scandinavian operation .
6 In almost all reports in 1942 , this ‘ war weariness ’ and longing for peace , now by no means always linked to expectations of glorious victory and often highly pessimistic , dominates much more strongly than it had done a year earlier .
7 Passionate homesickness rose and buffeted his harder than it had done for months .
8 She was not content to be insulted in cafés by waiters more rude than any to be found in Northam ; she could not accept the lowliness of her status , for it seemed to pain her more abroad than it had done at home , and she felt that she should somehow have escaped it , that she should have been changed , somehow , into something new .
9 But he was in a sense revivified : his heart withstood the weakening effect of his illnesses much better than it had done in the same period of the previous year , and this was the first winter for some time when he had not been forced to seek treatment in a clinic .
10 The church actually lost yet more ground under Edward II than it had done under his father .
11 It is true that the problem of the balance of power between social classes and organs represented a more vital problem in modern Europe than it had done in Polybius ' Rome .
12 NATO and Warsaw Pact negotiators in Vienna were indeed moving towards broad agreement on ( i ) the exchange of military data ( which began to flow far more freely than it had done in the past ) ; ( ii ) intrusive verification regimes ; and ( iii ) " asymmetric " force reductions owing to Warsaw Pact superiority .
13 Damaged by the Gulf crisis and still without having achieved electoral reform , Kaifu 's position by the end of 1990 looked considerably less secure than it had done in the immediate aftermath of the February elections .
14 Mr Fallon said the Government was providing much more money for training than it had done in the last recession in the '80s .
15 The raid took less than five minutes , but the damage suffered by Exeter was greater than it had suffered in the Baedeker raids , and there was greater loss of life , over 250 people being killed .
16 The evening ended less amiably than it had begun , and no one thought of the wombat until a late hour , and then it had disappeared .
17 According to estimates by the UN Commission , the UK would have to spend DM3,500 million a year to meet the new targets , or DM2,900 million more than it had planned .
18 Annexation showed that the English government had much more power to take action outside Europe than it had possessed in the first half of the century .
19 The restoration caused no trouble to the East India Company , which was quite soon able to turn itself into a distinctly royalist body and was given a rather wider range of political powers than it had possessed before .
20 The LDP 's share of the vote fell by more than 3 per cent compared with the 1986 lower house elections , and the party won 20 seats fewer than it had possessed at the dissolution ( although 11 independents were later reported to have joined , thereby bringing its total strength to 286 ) .
21 In the wake of the 1848 revolutions St Petersburg appeared to have acquired a larger say in the affairs of central Europe than it had possessed for a generation .
22 Six months after the operation , constipation ( defined as <3 stools/wk or frequent straining ) had gone away more often than it had developed ( 12 v 7 women respectively ) and the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome was unchanged .
23 If the relocation package appears very favourable , the company may find itself paying out relocation costs for more staff than it had budgeted for .
24 Nevertheless , it would be naive to suggest that the draw has not presented Sardinia with an even bigger security problem than it had bargained for .
25 The Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) , which had won a far smaller representation in the Országgyülés than it had hoped , had campaigned for a referendum on the issue ( in an attempt to avoid indirect election within the legislature ) , which was held on July 29 .
26 In time , and under the influence of Sir Donald Cameron , a man of obscure origin and exceptional ability who had known the delights neither of DO-hood nor of public school , Indirect Rule began to acquire a less exotic coloration and a less inward-looking character than it had had in its glorious beginnings in Northern Nigeria .
27 The present Conservative government found it much more difficult to introduce and regulate charges than it had anticipated , an indication of the difficulty being the long delay in issuing a promised consultative document on charges and the further delay before guidelines were produced .
28 The government has met with less success than it had anticipated in its policy of compelling local authorities to put services out to competitive tender .
29 Such an imaginative concept , involving the realisation that the earth is a dynamic planet , made geology a much more attractive and stimulating subject than it had seemed earlier , and many more graduates wanted to pursue careers in such an exciting field .
30 In reconstructing the circumstances of the crash , the Mexican investigators concluded that the Falcon was actually 40 miles further away from ACA VOR than it had reported — i.e. , it was at 75 nmi when the pilot reported 35 nmi .
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