Example sentences of "than it [vb -s] [be] " in BNC.

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1 What makes Mr Yashin 's ambitious goal less ludicrous than it sounds is Sberbank 's near-monopoly of Russia 's household savings .
2 Now the illusion is well and truly shattered and the only reason the share price has not plunged much further than it has is the hope that some brave soul will put the group out of its misery with a takeover .
3 It is our wish , as ever , to build better relationships with these agencies , and develop levels of mutual confidence to a point where the flow of information would be much greater than it has been .
4 This turnaround of the external accounts has made the domestic performance of the ecomomy look decidedly better than it has been .
5 Broadly , we may say that industry will have to be far less rigid ; indeed much more flexible in adapting itself to change than it has been for the past twenty years .
6 The NPC ended its annual session yesterday by passing all laws and reports put before it , but dissent was far greater than it has been in the years following the 1989 crackdown in Peking , which Li played a leading role in .
7 As in this family , there is some migration of young people from the rural areas to the towns of Northern Ireland but this movement is less than it has been in Scotland or England during the last 40 years .
8 However , it may be wrong to assume that this inability to create a coordinated response is a bad thing : a truly-integrated response to the cities from the Conservative governments elected in 1979 and after might have been even more detrimental to the major conurbations than it has been .
9 I think that you have made the magazine more interesting , more satirical and funnier than it has been this century .
10 ‘ Piss ’ is one of several four-letter words less acceptable today than it has been in the past .
11 Hongkong Bank is inheriting a bank in better shape than it has been in for more than a decade .
12 Although annual rail investment , at more than £1bn , is currently higher than it has been for three decades , that results from decisions taken two to three years ago .
13 The recent liberalization of legal services which allows more people to do conveyancing may make it even more important than it has been hitherto .
14 Quite aside from the inherent dangers of establishing an energy system to any significant degree reliant on highly unstable nuclear technology , the implications of the spread of nuclear power for the extension of military nuclear capability must be taken much more seriously than it has been hitherto ( SIPRI , 1979 , 1980 , 1980A ) .
15 The often mentioned ‘ crisis ’ in British broadcasting — ‘ crisis ’ , in Gouldner 's phrase , being that the system ‘ may , relatively soon , become something quite different than it has been ’ — thus acts as a backdrop for numerous contemporary analyses of broadcasting .
16 The rumblings that Intel Corp has been having more problems successfully fabricating the Pentium chip than it has been prepared to discuss have erupted again , and our sister paper Unigram.X today reports that Pentium has been hit by another round of serious availability problems because of poor yields .
17 Unless the UN proved much tougher in Bosnia than it has been in Croatia , the Owen concession would have meant that , from Serb-held territories in Croatia through Serb-held territories in Bosnia to the border of Serbia itself , Serbs would remain in control , whatever the peace plan said .
18 Welsh Wales , in Wales and in the Lake District they found that the er level of nuclear activity on the surface of , of the field as it were and therefore reached the animals is higher than it has been , how would they manage to do that ?
19 As we have already seen , the law has been less ready to protect these interests from negligently inflicted harm than it has been to protect person and tangible property , but we are now concerned only with liability for intended harm .
20 Child support will therefore not necessarily be any more reliable or regular in the future than it has been in the past .
21 In schools , the development of European awareness will have to be built into the curriculum much more than it has been so far .
22 The city this morning is relatively calm , far quieter than it has been on many days in recent months .
23 This temperature increase may appear to be small , but in reality the earth would then be warmer than it has been for the past 125,000 years ( the peak of the last interglacial ) and possibly even warmer than it has been for the past two million years ( the duration of the Quaternary period of fluctuation glacials and interglacials ) .
24 This temperature increase may appear to be small , but in reality the earth would then be warmer than it has been for the past 125,000 years ( the peak of the last interglacial ) and possibly even warmer than it has been for the past two million years ( the duration of the Quaternary period of fluctuation glacials and interglacials ) .
25 In almost every year since 1945 the government has spent more than it has been willing or able to raise via taxation .
26 The distinction has been more in the minds of the negotiators ( especially the British negotiators ) than it has been a reality or , more important , likely to be given much credence by the Court of Justice if and when it comes to adjudicate on the basis of the Treaty .
27 The views of many Conservative Members of Parliament are much more profound in their objection to certain trends in Europe than it has been possible to encapsulate in any short Motion .
28 The Heart of Wales Line is now under greater threat than it has been for many years , because of financial pressures from British Rail in general and Regional Railways in particular .
29 The Commonwealth came closer together than it has been for a long time .
30 I believe that Wales is much better placed to ride out the worldwide recession than it has been and I can give the hon. Gentleman this pledge : I and my ministerial colleagues will continue to do everything that we can to attract investment to Wales .
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