Example sentences of "than it [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 During my blue period my life also seemed to become a lot more structured than it had been for a while .
2 Mick was less fortunate , and when I awoke in the depressing gloom of dawn , he reported that the weather was very much better than it had been for a long time .
3 That made the tie between him and journalism even stronger than it had been .
4 Her remarks were recorded before events in Tianamen Square and it was clear by the end of the programme that the proper function of current affairs television was less of a live debate inside the country than it had been .
5 He also did what any American college president is expected to do — he raised money , leaving the college on a sounder footing , both financially and academically , than it had been when he took office .
6 In short , Ulster remained more of a violent backwater , removed from the mainstream of British social development , at the end of the 1970s than it had been at the start of that troubled decade .
7 Under his aegis , the gulf in personal resources between rich and poor became very much wider than it had been in the period 1945–79 .
8 The scene that greeted her at the top was already less frightening than it had been when Phoebe arrived .
9 The sky was clearer than it had been for a week , and massive , but hardly elegant , Storskarfjell stood out like a white tent .
10 — Edwardian working-class sport as a whole was less violent than it had been a half-century before .
11 The production industry was much less active during the war than it had been before , producing an average of only 69 films annually , and as few as 46 in 1942 .
12 Such is the speed of decline ( GNP in the first three months of 1991 was 8% lower than it had been in the same period of 1990 , imports were 45% lower ) that , if this plan fails , the next one may be either an economic state of emergency imposed under martial law , or a kaleidoscope of programmes started by republics after the Soviet Union breaks up .
13 Hachette says that Montana was a passive minority investor about which it knew no more than it had been told by Montana 's Swiss lawyer : that it represented investors from several Gulf countries .
14 Morale on the shop floor was higher than it had been for a long year and an unhealthy atmosphere of optimism and hope pervaded the plant .
15 John Stevenson feels that this urban migration was important in restructuring the population of Britain , although Glynn and Oxborrow argue that this internal migration was less marked than it had been in the nineteenth century — being about one third of its former level .
16 Migration may have been a factor in the 1920s , though the level of net migration from Britain was somewhat less than it had been in the previous two decades .
17 This action was endorsed by the National Association of Unions in the Textile Trade ( NAUTT ) and the matter was put to the employers who responded by suggesting that British industry was less competitive than it had been before the return to the gold standard and the reflation of the pound , and suggested that wages should be reduced by 8 per cent .
18 Rationing , which still applied to meat , bacon , butter , cheese , tea , sugar and sweets , actually became more austere than it had been in 1945 .
19 The world , at least the British world , was better off in 1901 than it had been in 1801 , so why should it not be even better in 2001 ?
20 The flask was a deal emptier than it had been before the dinner break .
21 Progress was slower than it had been upstairs .
22 On leaving the stall they plunged into the hall which was bedlam , and far fuller than it had been that morning .
23 It would be too much to say that by 1870 Paris had become a fragrant bower — few cities ever manage that — but it certainly was less odorous and pestilential than it had been .
24 In these cases Labour support was 5.5% higher than it had been in 1986 , compared with 6.9% higher in the 21 non-capped authorities .
25 During 1985 this issue was raised once again , though by then the extent of mass unemployment and urban de-industrialization and decay was more stark than it had been in 198l .
26 Within two years the volume of travel was higher practically everywhere in the world than it had been before the war .
27 One may however ask whether those in the action sample who said that the strain was less than it had been a year ago attributed this to the effects of the Home Support Project .
28 Most head teachers questioned thought the position was worse than it had been five years earlier .
29 The demesne plantation was now very much smaller than it had been when Alec was a boy .
30 The singing of the choirs was less assured here than it had been in the group of European folk songs , arranged and conducted by Duncan Hanner at the start of the concert .
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