Example sentences of "than [det] [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 This study could be seen as a pilot study that gives an intimation that if one has the right methodology the data which is yielded can be richer than that created from other methods .
2 There may be a requirement for precision greater than that obtained from double.length arithmetic , or double.length arithmetic may not be provided , and in this situation it is necessary to program the basic multiple.length arithmetic operations out of simpler operations .
3 For all these reasons , we think that extraction of platelet activating factor and precursors from the gastric mucosa would not give more information than that obtained from gastric juice analyses .
4 Such information is undoubtedly more valuable than that derived from captivity studies .
5 We can be sure that the model in figure 13.8 is better than that derived from figure 13.2 .
6 World-wide , over 60,000 IBMers were retrained and reassigned to new jobs since 1987 ; more than half switched from overhead HQ , admin , or distribution jobs into sales , systems engineering , programming , and other ‘ useful ’ jobs .
7 Ladder attenuators incorporating Π sections turn out to be more economical in components than those formed from T sections because adjacent pairs of shunt resistors can be merged into single resistors .
8 Chardonnay wines are notably lighter in body than those made from Pinot Noir , with a naturally higher acidity and a finer bouquet .
9 Higher profits may raise investment by reducing its cost , as funds generated internally are cheaper than those obtained from the capital market , whether equity or debenture .
10 Levels of in-patient hospital admission in Britain are lower than those reported from North America .
11 They helped to propagate a language through which the working class could articulate their frustrations ; they provided radical literature , leaflets and newspapers ; they furnished agitators with greater financial means and mobility than those drawn from the working class ; and they took a lead in establishing underground organizations able to build links between workers in different factories and cities and to survive recurrent police assaults .
12 Typical values are shown in table 8.1 , but ψ 1 values measured for systems such as polystyrene + cyclohexane have been found to be almost ten times larger than those derived from other methods of measurement .
13 In a review of reconviction rates , for example , a Home Office report concluded : ‘ Those given probation orders were therefore less likely to be reconvicted within two years of being given probation than those released from custody ’ ( Home Office , 1986 , p. 5 ) .
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