Example sentences of "than [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll get better copies off the headed paper , than off the shiny .
2 Is there an amplifier already on the market ( for less than about a grand ) that would offer all three sounds ?
3 However , Jerrome 's findings do not refer at all to ‘ tending ’ activities ; the importance of friends in old age seems to be more about a natural extension of satisfying experiences and modes of behaviour in earlier years than about a changed conception of the nature of the relationship which could accommodate more ‘ caring ’ activity .
4 It is no accident that we know more about the lives of Richard Rolle and Margery Kempe than about the other three writers with whom this book is concerned .
5 But the Board was concerned far less about the private use of ‘ blue movies ’ as an aphrodisiac than about the increasing taste for sadism and other ‘ bizarre practices ’ in films and about the worrying influx into Britain of child pornography .
6 But speculative source-study can reveal more about the reading of the scholar than about the actual text whose possible sources are the object of the exercise and , after all , it is only to be expected that those who share a faith will also share a way of expressing it .
7 The term ‘ the inner city ’ may tell us much more about the manner in which an agenda of social problems is set by the combined and unequal influences of a variety of interest groups than about the political economy of cities but its very reproduction in a set of discourses about ‘ the urban ’ guarantees it a status of its own .
8 The concern with the ‘ immorality ’ of the working class said more about bourgeois morality than about the working class .
9 ( The fact that this pittance is a step up says more about the depressed position of the housewife than about the wonderful privileges of the separated . )
10 Some students were more positive about the final-year work in lab than about the first-year work ; as one said , ‘ You can do what you want ; instead of being taught , you 've got to learn yourself ’ .
11 After his first TV series I said to him : Are n't you happier as a media critic , putting shitty artists in their places , than as a failed shitty artist being put in his place ?
12 Schuman achieved the maximum dramatic effect by announcing his proposal at a press conference rather than as a governmental report .
13 It is said that the original Shorthorn ( as a British type rather than as a general term for short horned cattle ) was being bred by the Dukes of Northumberland in the sixteenth century and was probably descended from a mixture of red Anglo-Saxon cattle with red and white Dutch ‘ Hollanders ’ and ‘ Zeelands ’ that are typified in the Paul Potter painting , The Young Bull .
14 Employers , therefore , had less reason to associate for defensive purposes since although trade unionism did represent a challenge to employers ' power to manage ‘ it was manifest as a threat to specific employers in specific industries at specific times and places rather than as a general threat to employers as a class ’ ( Adams , 1981 , p. 286 ) .
15 In many cases , however , it is expressed as an intermittent grumbling of practitioners rather than as a systematic counter-argument .
16 In this , the pupil was seen as being very much an active participant in the learning process rather than as a passive recipient of someone else 's mathematical knowledge .
17 Non-availability is an idea deeply embedded in the Christian tradition of celibacy ; though for too long now it has been seen as renunciation by men of sinful life , rather than as a radical statement by women .
18 The domestically-oriented , nurturing talk of the miner 's wife , by contrast , is more likely to be taken as a product of her nature or her role than as a culturally-determined genre , and it is seen as something she shares with all other women .
19 For example , it is often possible to explain angry and hostile behaviour in terms of an individual 's love and concern for the other rather than as a straightforward expression of hostility or hatred .
20 By accepting that there is a market and career structure for the Administrative Assistant as well as the Shorthand Secretary , it is possible to treat Shorthand as an optional subject rather than as a major core element .
21 It was acknowledged , however , not least by the participants , that the agreement was primarily regarded as a means of defusing ethnic tensions and the possibility of civil war rather than as a concrete proposal to accommodate the political aspirations of Moslems , Serbs and Croats .
22 And although Mr Kohl promises that Germany will eventually amend its constitution and shoulder its proper military responsibilities in the world , he would prefer to sell that to his own people as a pro-European gesture than as a pro-American one .
23 The UK was not seen to be a true ‘ European ’ — a contention which many would say holds true today — and it tends to view the EC as an economic , rather than as a political union .
24 Briefly , his interest was in her as a person with opinions and particular professional attitudes of her own , rather than as a female body he wanted to possess , and Maria responded with relief .
25 If this is the case extrapolated profiles are best regarded as means to supplement knowledge rather than as a primary method .
26 However , these changes can be seen as largely superficial of and as a way of retaining the power of autocracy rather than as a genuine effort in creating a constitutional state .
27 The House of Lords held that the readers of " Tribune " in the context of the copy , would regard the headline as a comment on the quality of the Kemsley press , rather than as a factual statement about the character of the proprietor .
28 We are now supposed to understand Enterprise Solutions less as a show than as a high-level executive meeting that might pass for a meeting of the Unix War College .
29 example A thesis arguing that Robert Louis Stevenson should be understood as an early example of twentieth-century Modernism rather than as a late example of nineteenth-century Realism .
30 encouraging all parents to see the dangers of condoned truancy by describing pupil time off school in easily understood and immediate terms , for example in terms of work missed ( eg 20 English lessons and 20 maths lessons ) rather than as a poor attendance rate ( eg 60% ) .
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