Example sentences of "than [pron] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She 's more at home than she is at work .
2 This woman inhabits several time spans at once : she is no less at home with the whirling world of angels and demons than she is with the cordless phone and the digital clock .
3 ‘ Even then , ’ says one of the filmmakers , ‘ Breathless was dramatically different than she is in the final script .
4 Under a differentiated strategy , one is not necessarily under less persistent pressure to improve than one is under a cost-leadership strategy .
5 And I would rather be yours than anybody 's in the whole world !
6 There is not the freedom of movement there is with the network system but there is far less deadweight of support staff than there is with the pyramid or layer system .
7 He says there are vastly more vehicle miles travelled on the road system with 3 carrier bags of shopping in the back of a car than there is with 38 tons of shopping being delivered to the supermarket in a lorry .
8 After all there is greater Scriptural justification for such ritual than there is for infant baptism .
9 There is no question of any political party policy for AIB , to be implemented by a minister , any more than there is for the judiciary .
10 The degree of laterilisation between different tasks was compared in order to see if there was a greater right field advantage , for example , for words than there is for trigrams .
11 There is no more evidence for the use of pattern books as regulators of design than there is for the existence of central workshops servicing definable territories .
12 There is little to do to container-grown herbs during their growth any more than there is to their open-ground counterparts .
13 That 's right , yes , yes , that 's right , because erm , there 's a gre there 's a higher elasticity of migration inelasticity in respect to income differentials than there is to unemployment , any job creation schemes will lead to more migration , rather than , rather than less , so how , how best to get round the problem ?
14 There 's more to be done on that than there is on that , really , cos .
15 There used to be a lot more taste on it though than there is on that one anyway .
16 This is not a consideration which applies to other factors of production : there is far less concern about the proportion of a country 's capital stock which is lying idle than there is about the proportion of the labour force which is unemployed .
17 There is no more agreement about what is a good lecture than there is about good music .
18 However , there is even less agreement among linguists about how to apply semantics than there is about the use of syntax .
19 He shouted , ‘ Yes , there is more between this donkey 's legs than there is between that donkey 's ears ! ’
20 There appears to be less difference between enclaves in Devon and the USA than there is between those in Devon and Somerset .
21 So you 're saying , there 's more chance of getting the blue out of out of the second , than there is of just
22 For example , there appears to be considerably more mobility between agencies than there is of managers between private firms , so that their interests are less closely linked .
23 Firstly there 's more chance striking a match on wet tripe than there is of Boro getting to the FA Cup Final .
24 There is more money to be made by trying to increase the efficiency and flexibility of the whole system than there is through having a series of adversarial breaks in the chain .
25 Other runners waved , but there was no more reaction from pedestrians to the eccentric prospect we must present than there is in Britain .
26 There is more healing joy in five minutes of worship than there is in five nights of revelry …
27 I should think there 's more folks live there than there is in t'village . ’
28 Furthermore , there is a much wider and more flexible gap between the two toes of the mountain goat than there is in other ungulates .
29 Since ESS 's arise from a dynamics , there is no assumption of rationality any more than there is in the case of kin selection .
30 Despite the austerity of his early Cubism , Braque 's interpretation of Cézanne was more painterly than that of Picasso , and he was undoubtedly fascinated by the surface quality and the actual technique of Cézanne ; there is in the handling of the sky in the Port , and indeed throughout the whole picture , a much greater emphasis on the richness of the pigment itself than there is in contemporary works by Picasso .
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