Example sentences of "than [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Hewitt ( 1983 ) is then led to conclude that most disasters are characteristic rather than accidental features of places and societies where they occur ; risk arises from ordinary life rather than rareness , and natural extremes are more to be expected than many of the social developments that pervade everyday life .
2 ‘ I picked up a bug in Germany at the weekend ’ explained McManus , who contested a European League game in Augsburg , where more than eight inches of snow fell in 48 hours .
3 A general degree which would require three years of full-time study should normally require no less than five years and no more than eight years of part-time study .
4 Exactly the same principles carry over to social investment decisions provided we are careful to use social rather than private measures of costs , benefits , and the interest or discount rate .
5 In saying ‘ it 's really how you are ’ Sandra Bishop is identifying other factors as more crucial determinants of housework satisfaction than technical aspects of the work environment .
6 The danger , of course , was that the new schools would be little more than half-hearted extensions of the former senior elementary schools — by 1938 , 63.3 per cent of pupils beyond the age of eleven were in separate senior elementary schools and all that was at first formally required was that such schools should change their labels .
7 At Paris , which drew 1.1 million visitors , Renault gave away no fewer than 120 tonnes of brochures .
8 More recently , researchers at the Hitachi Central Laboratories in Tokyo wrote ‘ Peace 91 ’ in letters less than 1.5 millionths of a millimetre high ( Technology , 26 January ) .
9 In general , less than complete allocations of taxes and benefits , whether matched in size or not , pose problems .
10 In late November and early December following several weeks of negotiations with the government , more than 500 members of the anti-communist Magdalena Medio Self-Defence paramilitaries , led by Ariel Otero , began surrendering and handing in their arms in Puerto Boyacá , 200 km north of the capital , Bogotá .
11 To prevent damage to the hall 's ceiling , more than 500 feet of metal trusses from which the stage lighting will be suspended have been put up .
12 You 've already stolen more than 500 kilos of xarkon this week . ’
13 Tulsa is a classic cottage garden , with more than 500 varieties of perennials tumbling over eachother in a battle for space .
14 Hungary has been effusive in its help to the Romanians — in the first four days after the revolution no fewer than 550 trucks of aid were sent to Romania .
15 Here it is salutary to recall Foucault 's scepticism with regard to the ‘ perilous ease ’ with which politics quickly assumes positions that provide intellectual guarantees rather than specific analyses of particular relations or transformations ; he reacts in the same way to political analogies , and correspondences , or to hasty links with current political practices .
16 Rawsthorne points out that Lawrence is more about sexuality than specific acts of sex which account for only two or three sections of the 600-page novel .
17 This was small , containing a deep draw-well , stable , byre and storehouses , the latter no more than lean-to erections of timber plastered with clay .
18 THE recovery of no fewer than eleven kinds of filamentous microfossil from 3,465-million-year-old rocks in Western Australia ( J. W. Schopf Science 260 , 640–646 ; 1993 ) , shows that life was not only in existence a few hundred million years after the planet was formed , but was thriving : rarely does one find single fossils of this antiquity , let alone entire communities .
19 In Punjab , the worst affected province , more than 1,700,000 hectares of agricultural land were reportedly affected and 20-50 per cent of the country 's partially harvested cotton crop , its main foreign exchange earner , was destroyed .
20 To this end , Darwin adduces , most especially , those phenomena that would be anomalous for any exclusive correlation of maturation , fertilization and impressionability with sexual rather than asexual modes of generation .
21 In the War of the Spanish Succession they were seldom able to keep more than fifty warships of all sizes at sea simultaneously ; and declining economic strength and the complications of their federal constitution made a recovery of their former status impossible .
22 In any case I have never , during more than fifty years of travel , anticipated falling ill .
23 There are now 90,000 primary school students studying 58 different languages ( from Swedish and Lithuanian to Urdu , Arabic and Cantonese ) in more than 70 boards of education across Ontario .
24 The first World Summit for Children , held in New York on Sept. 29-30 , was attended by more than 70 heads of government .
25 Through more than 70 years of Soviet history , Leninist logic encouraged the belief that somehow the Soviet Union , however badly run , could ignore the laws of economic gravity .
26 The Teatro Anatomico of Padua , the oldest surviving in the world , is once more open after more than 3000 hours of highly specialised restoration work .
27 One possibility is that the complex wobbles of the Earth 's axis as it orbits the sun contrived to produce a peak of solar insolation — stronger than usual phases of heating by the sun — during the two times of accelerated meltwater runoff .
28 Arctic stocks of Oxyria digyna ( Mooney and Billings , 1961 ) and meadow rue Thalictrum alpinum ( Mooney and Johnson , 1965 ) have lower optimal photosynthetic temperatures than alpine stocks of the same species .
29 Rather than retrospective studies of infants who have died or epidemiological analyses of the sudden infant death syndrome in specific population groups , our research offers a complementary perspective .
30 ‘ It may be suggested to customers that flour bags which can be washed and used again are better for this purpose than odd bits of paper , although an actual container is best of all .
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