Example sentences of "than [verb] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Only then will it be possible to suggest that much of the invisible ownership landscape is there in the form of landscape features and is of greater antiquity than has been formerly thought .
2 However , it is not suggested , pace Fuller , that the internal morality of law is inherent in the most efficient methods of subjecting human conduct to the governance of rules , although there is more strength than has been generally granted in the view that government can only be compatible with the dignity of man if Fuller 's eight requirements for making law are satisfied ( Nicholson , 1973–4 ) .
3 New guidelines on the dangers of moving nuclear weapons by road have just been published but anti-nuclear campaigners believe the danger is greater than has been officially admitted .
4 Yet the new interdisciplinary approaches , the new stress on enquiry and research , and the increased stress on the teacher in the devising of resource-based approaches , require more flexible , efficient and detailed methods of information retrieval than has been typically the case in schools , or in most academic and public libraries hitherto .
5 What can be said about fluoride is that at concentrations of even less than one part per million ( the official dose ) it can cause toxic reactions in sensitive people and recent reassessments of the fluoridation scene suggest that this measure may be much more harmful to health than has been hitherto realized .
6 Paper mills in Britain which are breaking the law by discharging more effluent into rivers than permitted are nearly all escaping prosecution , according to a report published by the Women 's Environmental Network , an independent pressure group .
7 It is submitted that in the former case the approach would probably be modified by the basic duty of fidelity to the extent that confidentiality would be lost only if the employer could be said to have shown wilful disregard to the quality of the confidence , rather than having been merely negligent .
8 Furthermore , stability rather than change is commonly a result of evolution .
9 Even where his name had appeared , however , the percentage of the vote which he had managed to achieve was smaller than had been widely anticipated .
10 Apart from those transmitted from China , medieval inventions included , for example , spectacles for reading , the spinning wheel , stronger iron tools than had been previously available , the heavy plough , and the use of coal as a fuel .
11 They take into account , for the first time , the magnetic influence of the monopoles , and find that monopoles should deposit more energy in these materials than had been previously suspected ( Physical Review Letters , vol 50 , p 644 ) .
12 In the 1970s it was only a curiosity but around 1980 it had a renaissance when people discovered that in certain complicated molecules , involving both deuterium and tritium , the presence of a muon caused fusion to occur much faster than had been previously thought possible .
13 Two broad themes were apparent : first , there was a growing recognition that elderly people were mentally and physically capable of far more than had been previously assumed , and that it was medically and socially possible for them to maintain an independent and active life .
14 The US regional telephone companies involved with the National ISDN project are to make more Integrated Services Digital Network lines available than had been previously forecast .
15 The figures represented an extraordinary proportion by historical standards ( some 10 times higher than the estimated percentage of US friendly fire casualties sustained in any other 20th century war ) , and were three times higher than had been previously admitted .
16 It found that the build-up of methane in the atmosphere had slowed down , and suggested that emissions of methane from rice paddies were less than had been previously estimated .
17 Yet the war proved far longer and more destructive than had been generally expected .
18 Although not sufficient to restore the LDP 's overall majority in the upper chamber , it was a considerable improvement on the party 's disastrous performance in the 1989 election — where it had lost its majority — and was better than had been generally predicted prior to the beginning of the campaign .
19 The sentences were lighter than had been generally expected ; the military prosecutor on July 14 had asked for life sentences rather than death sentences ( as sought in June ) .
20 Despite assurances from US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney that only the Okinawa and German weapons would be destroyed at Johnston , the fear persisted in many Pacific countries that the USA would abandon plans to build incinerators on the American mainland and would use the Johnston facility much more widely than had been hitherto suggested .
21 Indeed , the size of the increases , together with the publication of the Kinsey Report in 1948 ( which suggested that homosexual behaviour was more widespread than had been commonly thought ) and the media-highlighted prosecution of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu on an indecency charge in 1954 , culminated in what may reasonably be described as a ‘ moral panic ’ over homosexuality .
22 Owing to the delays that had occurred since the marketing studies were made in 1983 and because of the attractiveness of the finished scheme , it was found that considerably higher prices could be obtained for the flats than had been originally foreseen .
23 However , subsequent assessments suggested that the damage was much less severe than had been originally feared .
24 Many owners — probably correctly — believed that prices would ultimately rise again , and few wanted to sell land at dramatically lower prices than had been initially paid to acquire it .
25 Although the former heads of the two securities houses added little to their previous statements , Tabuchi admitted on Aug. 29 that Nomura 's links with Japan 's organized crime syndicates , which had been revealed in July [ see p. 38342 ] , were currently under investigation and might prove to have been more extensive than had been initially suggested .
26 But this elaborate operation it 's claimed only goes to prove that hooliganism rather than disappearing is just lurking beneath the surface .
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