Example sentences of "my way [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was hiding , working my way round to the Orchard to try for the pennant in there .
2 I made my way up to the lobby with those final two words of hers ringing around inside my head , and all sorts of other doctor phrases started to enter my mind — people calling me Doctor Streeter , popular songs with the word doctor in them — and then all of a sudden I started to cry .
3 The evening sky was darkening as I made my way up to Claro .
4 ‘ It was good quality stuff , good to work on and I gradually worked my way up to being one of the house engineers and it took off from there . ’
5 Because I 'm afraid of being the victim I 'll bubble my way up to being either the rescuer or the persecutor .
6 I 'm on my way up to town .
7 Been out in the field done all the erm and worked my way up to it you see .
8 We both know what an outrageously male chauvinist pig you are , Ross — but , in case you have n't guessed , I find it very insulting that you should insinuate that I have somehow slept my way up to my present position ! ’
9 She had teenagers , I am working my way up to them .
10 And anyway I can get them in the sale if I choose to fight my way up to London I can get a Liberty tie for about twelve pounds .
11 As I started to make my way up through some bushes on the left of the kirk , something caught my eye and I stopped .
12 There are distinct shades of Groucho Marx 's : ’ I have worked my way up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty ’ about the lot of most poor informals in Third World cities .
13 In the course of fifteen years I have slowly worked my way up from the people , together with this Movement .
14 I can find my way up in the dark , or fetch a candle from the kitchen cupboard for myself .
15 I continued my way around to the front and hesitated .
16 I asked Tom Kenny , edging my way uneasily round all the fashionable people in the brightly lit room .
17 It took over an hour to negotiate the couple of miles to the hotel and only then because , in exasperation , I ignored all rules of good driving not to mention half-a-dozen laws , and made my way blithely down a one-way street ( the wrong way , of course ) and down a ( prohibited ) tram-only lane .
18 By 8.30 am , Monday , 15 September 1937 , I was making my way slowly up Granville Street lugging two heavy suitcases , one of which was full of favourite books .
19 I made my way slowly through the crowd of people , pausing now and again to chat briefly to people I knew .
20 I was early and made my way slowly through the deserted canyon of skyscrapers on this hot afternoon .
21 I think I 'd like to lick my way slowly over your luscious curves until I 've sampled all the honeyed temptations you keep hidden away .
22 The sheep were very curious and made a bee-line for me but I managed to push my way through to the birds .
23 I have spent most of the day just finding my way here from the castle . ’
24 ‘ Think I 'll make my way over to the big house and see how things are going . ’
25 After breakfasting with the mortar team I made my way over to Brigade H.Q As I passed along the wall of the orchard I suddenly thought about the Frenchman and his family who lived in the cottage on the other side of the wall .
26 I felt my way over to the bed .
27 ‘ Well , look , I 'm on my way over to the hospital now , so I 'll take you across .
28 I edged my way over towards them .
29 ‘ I 've bought a bottle of whisky and I 'm planning to drink my way right through it . ’
30 I began to feel better and weaved my way on to the stage after the third intro of ‘ Puppet on a String ’ .
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