Example sentences of "my [noun pl] have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , and my proposals have what some have described as a rather complex structure , where your joint planning arrangements are down the one side , and the commissioning , largely the responsibility of statutory authorities is on the other .
2 My reasons have something to do with the costs and value .
3 My reasons have nothing to do with appearance money .
4 My kids have plenty of friends , and I ca n't tell one from another , or remember their names .
5 ‘ Why — because , though at any other time I could perhaps let my feelings have their head , this time , for a reason I simply was n't seeing then , I just knew that it could not be like that with you . ’
6 You have n't pinched my fags have you ?
7 that was one of mu un uncles that had that house and Well my cousins have it now .
8 This particular girl , a model , is putting Patrick in his place by going on about cars : ‘ Most of my friends have them on the firm , ’ she said , with the sort of lift of the old proud head that he could hardly believe had not accompanied a limiting judgment on Villiers de l'Isle Adam . ’
9 had my children have you ? my children ?
10 The whole village will be cut off , and my guides have nothing to drink . ’
11 Thus the teacher-in-role can decide from moment to moment whether to carry the burden of the pupils ' protection — ‘ My men ( a group of ‘ passive ’ children ) have this to say to you' is to be totally protective — or to remove that protection and hand over the power : ‘ My men have something to say to you … ! ’
12 My colleagues have them — four men , day and night .
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