Example sentences of "about the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The seven which are relevant to Christ 's manhood are : belief in the Incarnation and Virgin birth ; that in Jesus God and man are united , begotten by God , born of Mary ; belief in " Cristes passion " that after Christ was taken down from the cross dead ( the deposition ) , he liberated those believers subject to death before he was born , a process known as the Harrowing of Hell ; that though he suffered mortality , he rose from the dead through the strength of God , and made this possible for all men ; that he ascended into heaven and was crowned higher than the angels ; that he will come at the end of time to judge the world and this will be the end of the era of redemption : These two sets of seven points about the Godhead and Christ delineate beliefs about the nature of life subject to a process of sickness and death but also filled with the potential for healing realised definitively in the life of Christ .
2 The Minister also told me in a written reply about the education and social opportunities that were available to young offenders .
3 In a book written in jail , Bambi , 32 , is bitter about the law that landed her there .
4 Although the wording of the Act suggests that it could be used in cases of abuse , it seems that there is such a general sense of unease about the law as it stands that some new and especially designed statute will be necessary for effective provision .
5 The governor 's thing is coming about quite useful tonight because we 've been talking about the law as regards governors and parents ' rights and what you 're supposed to ask parents
6 Current credit law stems most directly from the 1971 report of the Crowther Committee , appointed in 1968 to consider and make recommendations about the law and practice relating to consumer credit .
7 I sent , I wrote off to Friends of the Earth , I got a load of information all about the law and she still phones me up and say oh you know what the District Council 's they wo n't do anything and the N R A was n't doing anything .
8 Instead she chattered about the law and the law exams and found Davide 's last letter from Riba , and showed Tommaso the flourishing strokes of her brother 's handwriting , and asked him if he too wrote with such tails on his p's and g's and such loops on his l's and d's ?
9 Of course , the motivation for playing this game is all the stronger when we have reason to resent the ‘ out group ’ for being more powerful or better resourced than we are , or not subject to the strains , pressures and tensions we face ( of course , because they are an ‘ out group ’ we know little about the problems that they have and we do not ) .
10 It seems ludicrous that Scottish Back-Benchers do not even have the facility of a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs to which we could summon Ministers and ask them in detail about the problems that we face .
11 I must advise the Minister that that is not what the construction industry is saying to others about the problems that it is facing .
12 The newspaper are going on and on and on about the problems that people have road and road .
13 If you think about the problems that there are with mathematics , whereby it 's not just a question of scanning print from left to right , but that you were involved in processes where sometimes you 're moving from left to right and sometimes from right to left , sometimes vertically .
14 Nearly 40 per cent felt that they needed more information about the problems and background of individual children and about one-quarter would have liked more general information about the child as well as more advice about how they could help to meet the child 's needs .
15 His benevolent brown eyes are looking at the floor to Shirley 's left , about five feet beyond her , and he appears to be thinking not about the flute as a career , but about the problems and opportunities of kitchen floor tiling .
16 While the Secretary of State has tried to assure the House about the problems and implications of recognition of Croatia , will he try once more to reassure us about that recognition ?
17 No single coven knows much about the others but they are powerful , spread like a net through France , Spain , Scotland and England .
18 ‘ And you 're sure about the others as well ? ’
19 She knew about Cormac of the Wolves , her great-grandfather , who had been exiled here for five years , and she knew about the others as well : Niall of the Nine Hostages , caught and chained and kept prisoner with nine faithful Lords until he broke out and regained the Throne .
20 He did not talk to Ranulf about the problem but listened with half an ear to the young man 's description of his stay at Tynemouth as he wondered what to do next .
21 He said he wrote to the former Beatle about the problem but had not had a reply .
22 But I learned about the problem that has dogged him from race one , and he confirmed to me : ‘ At the end of the season I 'll be having an operation . ’
23 The Recommendations look to the future and describe what the author of the report thinks should be done about the problem that has been the subject of so much investigation .
24 Having done that we then talked about the problem that we all have on these sorts of occasions which is the problem of nerves and we talked about the symptoms of dry voice and the shaking limbs the the wonky voice and the reasons why we have er these nerves and we also talked about the causes of the the primitive instinct of fight or flight er how we get get our body ready to handle this unusual situation .
25 Some mothers will be too disorganized to do this : either they may demonstrate a lack of concern about the problem or the stresses at home may be too great for it to be filled in reliably .
26 BM forces you to stop relying on vague notions about the problem and requires you to be very specific .
27 First of all , the person concerned is already thinking about the problem and how to overcome it , so the subconscious mind is already working on the situation , whether one is aware of it or not .
28 His mother felt helpless about the problem and that it reflected on her capability as a mother .
29 Talking about the problem and aiding open family communication is often crucial in helping the problem ( Young and Goldsmith 1972 ) .
30 Graham Hunsley , defending , said he was now off hard drugs , had been to see his doctor about the problem and was hoping to undergo treatment at an addiction centre .
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