Example sentences of "about [det] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 All I can say about that is that it must have been awfully feeble acid to make your visions come out so pedestrian as this .
2 ( All you can say about that is that it 's a change from bagpipes . )
3 Again my concern about that is that Trusts bring with them a shroud of secrecy , able to do business behind closed doors .
4 The trouble about that is that nobody in England has ever sounded terribly enthusiastic about the dismemberment of England .
5 The third thing about that is that it represents us saying continuum .
6 What was interesting about that was that at the time John Brown got into financial difficulties the banks and institutional shareholders took a tough but very constructive view that it was worth helping the company through a reconstruction rather than forcing it into liquidation , which had been an attitude prevalent some years earlier .
7 What 's good about this is that it does n't take too much time .
8 What is interesting about this is that they clearly do not know the history of the form ; they are unaware that the rule was made so rigidly in the first place to suit the whims of anti-feminists .
9 What is strange about this is that phonemes are no more than elements of meaning but kinship terms also represent real relationships lived by people .
10 I do n't mind whether I 'm English or Irish , but the thing about this is that as I was there till I was about fifteen or sixteen , it rubbed off on me a lot the whole atmosphere of Ireland .
11 What is frustrating about this is that the ‘ canon ’ apparently consists of works of universal and immutable value ; anyone who suggests adapting it to include , say , more female writers , is open to accusations of being ‘ political ’ .
12 What 's bad about this is that they do n't take drugs — they 've never touched them — but they want to sell them .
13 No , all that 's strange about this is that those two ever came to touch hands at any point .
14 THE FIRST thing you notice about this is that the CD package is upside down .
15 And my own feeling about this is that we do have to move more to planned expansion .
16 But the most surprising fact about this is that all these events took place during the deposition of a single graptolite zone .
17 My concern about this is that I do n't see how a view can be taken at a strategic level on something which ultimately can be only ascertained on a site specific basis .
18 THE FIRST thing you notice about this is that the CD package is upside down .
19 one of the nice parts about this is that you are getting paid on ninety percent cycle .
20 I mean , the point about this is that actually I must emphasise it 's a needs based assessment , both in allocating the overall amount of money that goes to the various areas and er those of you who 've already looked at it will see that area three seems to have a disproportionately high amount of the money .
21 M my view about this is that it 's it it is it is that this exercise is that it is er something which has been done very quickly and to my mind is not capable of providing the level of assessment that would be required .
22 So the important thing about this is that you can not , you can not just say modern equals bad , and trad is good because you must in order to argue Paul examine the
23 Now we do n't have any new things , I should have Thank you for asking the question because we 're trying to give the impression of a medieval house the what 's special about this is that it 's a medieval house as it looked when it was new .
24 Now one of the interesting things about this is that they 've worked out , in order to erm achieve our sales forecast , erm the impact of recruitment for each branch is that we need a net growth in branch of one plus one for every er on every month .
25 The unusual thing about this was that at Binbrook there was an engineering type called Matthew , a corporal , who also played this instrument , and it did n't take long for the two to discover each other .
26 Ian Craig , the head of science and technology , said : ‘ It is educationally valuable to take boys to France or to the science museum , but the unique thing about this was that it was both at the same time , and that was more than twice as valuable . ’
27 What is striking about these is that the code-switch points coincide exactly with the beginning and end of the insertion sequences , off-setting these clearly as London English in an otherwise Creole turn of the conversation .
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