Example sentences of "about [pers pn] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 Those years had an intensity , a singularity and a sense of joy about them that I have not known before or since .
2 I could n't , I , I would , if , if , if the company were n't so refined I would say other things about them but I do n't give a hoot .
3 If we also consider thoughts about them qua spectacles , then we would say that I have not succeeded in thinking about them unless I am thinking about artefacts , thinking about items that can be worn on the nose , that aid vision , that are more-or-less breakable , that did not exist a thousand years ago , that this pair existed yesterday but did not exist in 1983 , and so on .
4 I was n't sure about them once I arrived .
5 There 's only the castle grounds that 's a park in the city centre you 've got to pay a quid to go in there on Saturdays and Sundays and I think these trees really matter I am concerned and I 'm going to ask questions about them and I will talk to David about it as well although the leaf stem he can keep himself .
6 And there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called bromeliads and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and the world is full of things like that and now I know about them and I 'm never ever going to be able to see them and then you , ’ she gulped for breath , ‘ want me to come and live with you in a hole and wash your socks ! ’
7 people keep telling me about them and I do n't seem to write them down , I probably
8 got ta got ta royal visit coming up he said you 've worked at the Scottish Office do you know anything about them and I said yes tell the Scottish Office they 'll do all the a Royal navy one I 've got to do it I said fine when is it ?
9 There I finally decided to throw in my efforts at making contact with the Delhi eunuchs ; it was taking up a lot of time and there was still no hint of a breakthrough : after ten days I still knew as little about them as I had when I had begun .
10 Well I got to know about them when I first got married , when I was in the back street , you know in the terraces .
11 I knew about them when I was bloody ten !
12 It 's very odd , but I find Margaret Thatcher enormously attractive — this may tell you much more about me than I really want you to know .
13 Nastiest — I have n't read any nasty things NME has said about me but I 'm sure there have been some over the years
14 I know how she feels about me an' I feel bloody lucky she does .
15 Initially , a swift , artistically rough job was contemplated , a ‘ tendentious piece ’ which would take a few months to write and would enrage ‘ the nihilists and Westerners ’ and set them ‘ howling about me that I 'm a retrograde .
16 ‘ Although everyone remembers Tony Parsons and Nick Kent at the NME , they forget about me because I 'm now terminally unhip , like Elvis joining the army .
17 I was worried that she 'd go off with someone else because she was so pretty and she thought the same about me because I was away from home so much .
18 But I think a lot of them were genuinely concerned , as in my case I think this person was genuinely worried about me because I 'd had , it was my third child and I I do think she was er worried about me because er you know you do n't want to keep having babies and losing them but I was n't worried about , I was worried about myself , to say I was n't worried that 's stupid , but er we just hoped and hoped and kept hoping .
19 I 'm sorry you had to worry about me because I would n't let you know what was going on in my mind , but I hope now you 'll realise why I kept silent for so long .
20 ( I was not impressed by such remarks ; I merely deduced that he would feel most at his ease about me if I were absent , unfaithful or dead . )
21 oh alright , what about me if I want a film ?
22 What about me if I want a film ?
23 Cos every time I turn around yeah cos you two always sort of w looking at me and whispering and , you know , m half the time you have been talking about me cos I 've heard you mention my name and it 's not very nice .
24 Do n't bother thinking about hitting me or saying anything about me cos I 'm swear when I catch you I 'll kill you .
25 ‘ I want to make love to you more than anything in the world , but you have doubts about me and I want everything crystal-clear between us , so ask your questions , Gemini girl . ’
26 She knows about me and I know about her .
27 I have felt embarrassed because I 've had to meet people afterwards who I who I who I care what they think about me and I 've put in the biggest load of old rubbish .
28 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I 'll close it for him .
29 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I will close it for him ’ Lennox Lewis DONALD MACLEOD Lennox Lewis : ‘ The only fear I know inside the ring is the fear of losing .
30 And there 's loads of people round about me and I just went wurgh !
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