Example sentences of "time there [was/were] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Radical reshaping of the group 's operations away from retail outlets and into bakery operations led to write-offs last year , but this time there were no below-the-line expenses for store closures .
2 In this time there were no individual families , there was no private property , there was not marriage , there was no exploitation , there was no inequality of any kind even between men and women , since , before the coming of private property women were , if anything , superior .
3 Then it had been filled again , but this time there were no soft fruits from her native land .
4 At one time there were no urban districts — they simply grow up around commercial and industrial interests .
5 Planners there began to ask why it was that their residential streets were so dull and so unsafe , and why it was impossible to do anything else there except drive cars , even though most of the time there were no moving cars .
6 The episode occupied many millions of years and during all that time there were no deposits .
7 David and I then had to tell him we did n't have any choice because at that time there were no other futuristic stories ready .
8 This time there were no rum punches and no tears to act as aphrodisiacs , and it was not quite as before .
9 Their value is enhanced by the fact that at the time there were no cabinet records ( apart from the prime minister 's low-key letter to the king ) and few diaries have survived this period .
10 At that time there were no instructions laid down for dealing with the radio pirate vessels and , although this particular vessel was outside territorial waters , there was no reason why a cutter should not make reasonable enquiries from vessels in close proximity to our coast .
12 Now ‘ I 've Got My Mojo Working ’ does n't go down with everyone , but at that time there were a few people around who did like that kind of stuff , and we were hopefully appealing to them . ’
13 So they lived as he wanted them to live and all the time there were a few who disappeared .
14 If that were to happen every time there were a referral to the European Court the laws , not just of this country but of all other members of the EC , would be in chaos .
15 It was unfortunate that during this period of time there were a number of pressures er on us , not just County Council for that money to be spent elsewhere and that money was er brought back to the centre and we distributed all of the the Services .
16 And all the time there were the escalating costs for handling , packaging and processing the wastes at the Sellafield complex .
17 ‘ Around that time there were an awful lot of white guys who were deeply into the blues .
18 By this time there was a Land Rover and an unmarked escort [ car ] at the scene …
19 Once upon a time there was a man who thought he could be a dragon-master .
20 At the time there was a postal strike and I did n't hear from David for about 3 or 4 weeks .
21 ‘ About that time there was a notorious murderer at large .
22 Local magazines were started and in time there was a national monthly , The Free Church Chronicle as well as a monthly magazine for the family , The Freechurchman .
23 The last time there was a serious battle for the post was 1951 , when Mr W S Morrison , Conservative MP for Cirencester and Tewkesbury , was elected , defeating Major J Milner , Labour MP for Leeds South East , who had been deputy Speaker in the previous Parliament .
24 For a long time there was a tradition that the mill took its name from a period in 1629 , when The Crown had 610 guns cast for The States General of Holland .
25 Then , with the Blitz , German bombers droned overhead on their way to London , to devastate the city Virginia loved with a passion , and the windows of Monk 's House rattled every time there was a heavy bombing raid those sixty-odd miles away .
26 It was n't a very nice day again ; this time there was a good old Scotch mist and it was damp and cold .
27 Before his time there was a flourishing inn in Sheviock ; the ‘ Carew Arms ’ .
28 In 1955 also the idea of a Children 's Church on Sunday mornings was first suggested ( thought it did not start till November 1960 ) and in December 1955 for the first time there was a Christmas tree in church .
29 Every time there was a call , although 99 times out of a 100 the call was for him , he pushed the phone in my direction .
30 The National Bank was built as early as 1830 and in JTR 's time there was a comparable expansion of its administrative function just as today with all branches of government represented within a hand 's throw of the Square .
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