Example sentences of "time [Wh adv] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 When you feel worthless , useless — and do things often without knowing at the time why you have .
2 This , he suggests , is a time when we have witnessed the ending of the construct of what he calls , ‘ the homogeneity of man ’ which was a product of a special political climate that has now passed .
3 Nevertheless it seems to me that this is a time when we have a chance to examine the utility of A levels in their present form , a chance that may have been missed by the terms of reference of the Higginson Committee .
4 There comes a time when we have to decide which of the paints on the market will do the best job .
5 But as the battle raged on , UN spokesman Mik Magnusson said : ‘ There comes a time when we have to assess the situation .
6 If it were to happen in a few year 's time when we have the lottery money , then I think the Sutherland Collection Collection is something that anybody concerned with heritage should make the highest possible priority .
7 ‘ You say we have no liberties , ’ Hope replied to a rather over-eloquent statement of George 's , ‘ but I can think of no time when we have had a greater chance to take what freedom we want .
8 Pending the time when we have a balance of men and women in this Chamber — a matter on which I shall expound next Tuesday afternoon , when I hope that many of my colleagues will support the concept of more women in this House — does my right hon. Friend agree that public consciousness of the lack of female representation of women 's views in our national life is now very high ?
9 At a time when we have child prostitution in our child children 's homes , Labour Councillors are entertaining themselves to sun sand and sangria in exotic foreign locations and in conclusion I would like to make just one comment , that this episode brings to mind a famous quotation in circles .
10 I can not remember a previous time when we have bought back a former council house .
11 The amount that we do overseas fluctuates but I can not remember a time when we have not had an overseas project going on .
12 The main time may well be from harvest through to April the following year , but netting is in fact selective because the size of the mesh allows small rabbits to escape — to be netted some other time when they have grown bigger .
13 ‘ Some things there comes a time when they have to go to someone else . ’
14 Some people , after an experience of regression to a Past life , are absolutely convinced in their own minds that it was a genuine recollection of a time when they have lived before .
15 Yeah , yes , but there there 's got ta come a time when they have to test it on human beings .
16 Like other major times of life , old age is a time when you have to learn how to deal with a changing lifestyle without losing your dignity .
17 ‘ Can you think of another time when you have done this , or felt like this ? ’
18 There 's a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment . ’
19 There comes a time when you have to do what you feel most comfortable doing .
20 He said : ‘ There comes a time when you have to ask yourself is Labour serious in the fight against crime .
21 if possible you want to avoid that , so you do n't want to , and , and you certainly do n't want to leave it until a time when you have been taken sick and you ca n't do anything about it .
22 Bransby Cooper says that ‘ I have sometimes suffered from the Professor 's love of cold air ; for if ever he could manage at his parties to have a window left open unperceived , he was delighted ; and many a time when I have dined with him I have said ‘ Pray , Mr Coleman , have your ventilators shut or I shall be blown out of the room ’ , at which he laughed and had the direction of the current changed by stealth so as to apply the breeze upon some other visitor less sensitive than myself' .
23 ‘ But there comes a time when I have to reach for the sleeping tablets .
24 Well the times I do fuck with people 's stuff and I do n't get caught and the time when I have n't I 'm getting hammered left right and centre .
25 Although , erm you know , I I can remember the time when I have not been a , quite enjoyed having bread and butter and chips .
26 We all find ourselves in a situation at some time where we have to carry a very heavy suitcase , or where a parcel has been delivered and has to be lifted into the house .
27 But I think all the time where you have to keep on fighting all the time , so now like you get so mouthy in the end you ca n't shut up , you know [ laughs ] , you end up winning the argument 'cos you ca n't shut up , like .
28 and therefore you can have a situation where , I mean if the Queen is there for another twenty years say , say the situation in twenty years time where you have king on throne and a queen who have not lived together for thirty years or whatever years and you know still playing out this
29 We hope you have had a pleasant time wherever you have been .
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