Example sentences of "time [pers pn] has be " in BNC.

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1 It is only three years since she took up painting dogs as a profession , but in that short time she has been kept constantly in work .
2 It 's been five years since Zoë Fairbairns last published a novel , during that time she has been writing a huge and compelling family saga , Daddy 's Girls .
3 At any given time she has been appropriately fearless and self-contained in the message she has applied .
4 Bill Service , Personnel Manager states ‘ In all the time she has been in the Mill , she was never late of absent until February 1987 when she unfortunately slipped while coming to work and sustained a dislocated elbow . ’
5 For some time she has been head dancer of a troupe and has travelled extensively abroad , taking part in cabaret on land and aboard cruise ships .
6 And it is not the first time she has been successful .
7 For a long time it has been known that heavy drinking during pregnancy can badly affect a baby 's development so that when it is born , its face and head are deformed and it is mentally backward .
8 At the same time it has been lumbered by its parent bank with needlessly big headquarters in Tokyo 's most expensive rented building .
9 Since that time it has been explored in chemical systems with further mathematics and also experimentally .
10 The Whitebred/Welsh Black cross is known as the Blue Albion and from time to time it has been classified as a separate breed .
11 In its time it has been claimed as one of the best dual-purpose breeds in the world ; no doubt the Shorthorn contributed to its early maturity and improved the carcass quality of what was once a rather coarse-boned large beef bullock , while the Jersey presumably contributed to its relatively high butterfat ( a Normande cow , many years ago , held the world butterfat record ) .
12 For some time it has been suspected that these voltages affect aquarium fish , causing stress and possibly disease .
13 For some time it has been evident that all I am to you is a vessel to receive your seed .
14 In our own time it has been only fascists , racists and their ilk who ha–e felt the urge to slaughter vast numbers of people whom they have regarded as different from themselves .
15 Farmyard , horse , cow , pig , sheep , goat , poultry and similar ‘ raw ’ manures are all very variable because they must depend upon the food intake of the animals concerned , and the age of the manure — the time it has been stacked for nitrogenous urine to have drained out or been decomposed .
16 This will not be the first time it has been tried , and the observations of one former planning official are worth quoting at length :
17 For a long time it has been content with this unchanging splendour but more recently it has treated itself to a quartier in the most modern style , complete with a magnificent new concert hall , the Corum ( which unfortunately appears to have been built on ground that it is less than stable ) .
18 By the time it has been adzed out , you will only have a small edge to clean up as well as the underside .
19 In recent time it has been thoroughly renovated with its style respected and conserved — and serves still as a place of shelter and of refreshment for travellers .
20 The length of time it has been operation will determine how much money she gets back , but it is unlikely to have made much of a profit , because endowments are designed to make money over a long period of time .
21 Though the moment of penetration is almost painless , the presence of the botfly causes a lot of irritation , and by the time it has been in residence for three weeks or so , the resulting lump is quite painful .
22 The aim was to improve on the situation inbuilt in manual systems whereby information is sampled at intervals and may be several weeks out of date by the time it has been assembled .
23 A downhole flowmeter for measuring the flow rates and water cut was run in the well , the first time it has been used in the North Sea , although a prototype has been used at Wytch Farm .
24 It is typical of this Tory government , a government that has not had a constructive idea all the time it has been in office , but thinks that union bashing is the only answer to the country 's problems , that thinks it is the only way to unite the Tory troops .
25 ‘ But from time to time it has been right to reconsider its detailed application .
26 It will be the first time the programme has ever been done outside London , and the first time it has been done in front of an audience .
27 ‘ If you had asked the same plumber three times to fix a leak , and , every time he has been , he has pottered around a bit and he has gone away , telling you he has fixed it and there you are standing in the kitchen up to your waist in water , are you going to call the same plumber to fix it again ? ’ he asked .
28 Milton has lived in the same stable all the time he has been with the Whitakers .
29 Indeed it is perhaps a pity that he did not take his own advice , after writing in the New Guide ‘ for the author of the present work might with greater ease , and probably with more advantage to himself , have worked up for the amusement of the eye a number of drawings and paintings during the time he has been engaged in this matter of mere utility ’ .
30 ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey ( left ) is clearly furious that every time he has been ready to make a statement about the Texaco Trophy events of August 23 , Pakistan 's lawyers have threatened writs .
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