Example sentences of "time [pers pn] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Every time I lifted it to aim it at a target living or not — this moment would be at the back of my mind .
2 I understood this the first time I read him , he wrote , in that smelly room in Hackney .
3 The next day we went again to the Rovacchia but this time I insisted we should also go and see the crazy Englishman who had ridden the mule .
4 Y'know , I can remember the first time I wore them .
5 But do n't let the lightweight feel fool you — the first time I wore it was during a 70mph mountain winds and driving rain and it kept me both warm and dry .
6 By the time I knew her , she was a mature woman .
7 And Goldberg in the margin : for the whole of the time I knew him he had , stuck on his studio wall , a reproduction of Picasso 's amazing 1943 painting of the mother teaching her child to walk .
8 During the time I knew him , he never took acid as he was very much afraid of it , and counselled other people against it in the sense that he felt it might disturb them psychologically , and felt that 's what might happen to him
9 Throughout all the time I knew him , he had no other interest in life that even vaguely approached the study of taxation . ’
10 But the way he landed the third time I knew he would n't get up again .
11 This time I knew you would come . ’
12 It was in the summer holidays and Matthew was going to start school , so he he 's just had his fourth birthday just had his fourth birthday when he moved in here , the twins that were coming up to their second yeah Matthew like , like Gemma , Gemma yeah and by the time I knew you that were n't the summer after
13 And from this time I knew I had to give up so many things — my sailing and so on — but the music came back to me a hundred times better .
14 This time I knew I could n't fail .
15 But this time I knew I could use it , even if I could n't think exactly how .
16 All the time I knew I was different from my cousins , Eliza , John and Georgiana Reed .
17 It mocked me , but at the same time I knew I was in danger of surrendering to it , that damned semblance of what I wanted — I was being weakened by it , seduced into yielding to your power over me , and it 's so much more comprehensive than my one-dimensional influence on you .
18 She reminded me that I was a married man — forbade me to approach her or speak to her again in that way , but at the same time I knew I had made her think about the old days — the attraction we 'd had for each other which she could not deny .
19 ‘ Playing Monopoly last time I saw him .
20 I remember the final time I saw him .
21 It was the last time I saw him alive .
22 ‘ The first time I saw him we conversed very closely together ; and in the prospect of death he seemed solicitous to prepare for it .
23 And the last time I saw him , he was in the yard .
24 Dominic was with a different nurse every time I saw him .
25 That was the last time I saw him . ’
26 ‘ The first time I saw him , I just thought he was unbelievably cool !
27 The Youngest Son waited to greet us , and what a contrast from the last time I saw him .
28 I do n't know — the last time I saw him he was very curious about it , he was very proud of what I had done .
29 ‘ Must have been the last time I saw him .
30 ‘ The last time I saw him he 'd been drinking pretty heavily and he pushed me about a bit .
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