Example sentences of "time [prep] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 TAXING TIME FOR JOB-SEEKERS A few taxation jobs are available for those with the right specialist skills and knowledge
2 I left before the tour was over because it was time for Mott The Hoople to come and tour and I 'd been designated as the person to take care of them , so I went off before it was over .
3 But you might say , and I councillor did say in fact that of course we would be most unfair in the way that we did this because to quote from him er we were giving no time , no time for discussion , no time for evaluation no time .
4 I replied that if Seius Oceanus ( to whom the estate ought to be made over when he reached the age of sixteen , under trust under the will of Seius Saturninus by the trustee-heir Valerius Maximus ) died before he completed the set period of time , the estate under trust belongs to the person to whom the rest of his property will belong , since the trust vested during his lifetime , that is if by postponing the time for payment the testator would seem rather to have granted the trustee-heir custody than to have imposed an uncertain term on the trust .
5 It was held that when time for delivery is of the essence of a contract for the sale of goods ( that is , a condition ) and after the stipulated time has elapsed the buyer waives his right to cancel by pressing for delivery , converting the term into a warranty , he may later give notice setting a reasonable deadline , once again making the time for delivery a condition of the contract .
6 But he was always sure to be back home in time for dinner every night .
7 At one time during field-work the traffic police became more unpopular than usual because they were under instruction not to let police colleagues off minor traffic violations .
8 Time after time he defended himself from Carter , time after time the screw intervened , again and again he was n't pushed to the floor .
9 For a time after liberation the Palestinians got no food or fuel rations .
10 At any time after adjudication a bankrupt may apply to the court for his discharge , which , if granted , will enable him to start again , stripped of his property , but ( with certain exceptions ) free from any claim which might have been proved against him in the bankruptcy .
11 But by the time of Charlemagne the majority of warriors were on horseback , though it is not clear if they actually fought from horseback or if they used the horses simply as rapid transport for traditional Frankish foot soldiers .
12 From now until the time of Magnus the Pious there are no Emperors and the lands becomes increasingly divided .
13 During the time of Magnus the Pious the Imperial court was at Nuln , for example .
14 At this time of night the street was quiet : the occasional car , and now and then a group of rowdy youths asserting their masculinity like stags in rut .
15 At time of publication the ALP had won 14 seats , the Liberals 12 , the Nationals one , and the Country Liberal Party one ; 12 seats remained undecided .
16 At the time of publication the county courts in London have yet to adopt this rate , but it is submitted that there can be little real argument that the same rate should not be applied .
17 After driving a few miles along what seemed an endless avenue of poplars we crossed the Taro , at this time of year a dry riverbed , by a long bridge with marble statues of reclining river gods and goddesses at either end .
18 It 's a shame having to go that , that time of year every year
19 At this time of year the moors turn purple with the flowering of heathers .
20 At this time of year the unpaved streets were practically quagmires .
21 At this time of year the process of decaying old vegetation will also deplete oxygen when it may already be in short supply .
22 Dig out your binoculars for lowland walks which can turn out to be wildlife treats because at this time of year the estuaries and low-lying areas around our coast are teeming with birdlife .
23 AT this time of year the stags can be dangerous , so it 's wise to keep well clear of them .
24 At that time of year the sun was so low that it shone directly into the livingroom during the whole of its brief traverse of the horizon .
25 If I return to the matter of improving liaison is it possible that I might be provided with a list of the names of the various staff that serve the Branch and also the names of the Committee members- and this updated at whatever time of year the membership changes .
26 At that time of year the weather should be quite warm and dry , but you 'll need a jersey , windproofs , and a pair of long trousers , plus a summer-season sleeping bag or similar .
27 But at this time of year the bracken and undergrowth is tinder dry .
28 He says that at this time of year the undergrowth is tinder dry .
29 Country lanes , fields , gardens — at this time of year the fragrant Elderflower blossom is everywhere .
30 ‘ By this time of year the table does n't lie and they are there on merit .
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