Example sentences of "time as [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 : You can only really see one eye at a time as they 're right on the side of the head .
2 Erm there 's a sense in which y'know kind of when I go to concerts erm there 's y'know kind of there 's loads of blokes who take their shirts off and er wrestle around together and build human pyramids and do all that kind of , lots of body contact , lots of grasping one-another and all that kind of thing and yet erm y'know presumably to them , on the assumption that they 're heterosexual , as I assume probably they are , it 's it 's one of these things that erm y'know is kind of again maybe it even occurs at the same time as they 're quite homophobic in some cases .
3 His view of a science was twofold : first , its propositions should be conclusively refutable , and therefore capable of being asserted as facts until such time as they are refuted ; secondly , it should be useful .
4 The testator allows for the fact that his daughter will want to benefit her own children if she has any , and therefore restricts his limitation until such time as they are born .
5 The implications are therefore that , where bilingual pupils need extra help , this should be given in the classroom as part of normal lessons and that there may be a need for bilingual teaching support and for books and other written material to be available in the pupils ’ mother tongues until such time as they are competent in English .
6 Those who are critical of governments creating political-business cycles are critical of state intervention in the economy at the same time as they are full of praise for the beneficial effects of free-market progress .
7 ( 8 ) The text of the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Quotations Department if the offer is made on the London Stock Exchange but otherwise with the Panel and copies of the final text must be given to both at the same time as they are given to the newspapers .
8 They want to destroy a sensible cost-free control system at the same time as they are introducing elaborate supply controls in all other important sectors of agriculture .
9 Knitters who have not practised the partial shaping may be casting off one stitch at a time as they were first taught to do or casting off in this way to retain a firm shoulder seam .
10 On the one hand , the local situation and knowledge about it encouraged some people to retire at the same time as they were made redundant .
11 At the same time as they were re-establishing themselves in Vietnam the French were finally being evicted , as they saw it , from Syria and the Lebanon and while these were League of Nations mandates rather than parts of the French Empire proper , their loss was no less bitterly resented .
12 And er it was the time as they were there were popularizing a a scheme From mine to your cellar , M I N E , mine to your cellar , you see ?
13 Third , the political turbulence of the seventies born of economic failure and increasing unemployment , destroyed consensus and brought " conviction politics " and real choice back to the fore with a vengeance : the Conservatives rediscovered old roots in their opposition to state intervention and their commitment to the free market ; the Labour Party rediscovered socialism and attacked the free market of capitalism at the same time as they were eager to fashion an interventionist state ; the specifics of nationalist sentiment ebbed and flowed in unpredictable ways ; and only the Liberal-SDP Alliance seemed eager to try and recreate the moderate consensus politics and policies of the fifties , and they did this despite growing signs that the social and economic conditions that made those policies viable had ceased to exist .
14 In fact , today 's activities had offered some hours of reprieve from thoughts of him — at least until such time as they were due to meet up later in the afternoon .
15 And I believe personally in this context it would be foolish , at the moment , to go down a narrow road until such time as we are ca
16 And so it goes on through life ; always a struggle between wanting to hold on to what we have at the same time as we are reaching out for new joys and satisfactions ; always the dilemma of making choices , of greedily wanting everything , of resenting having to let anything go .
17 Moreover , on the academic front , the detailed empirical study of electoral behaviour through sample surveys has come into its own so that we now have a great deal more information on which to explore the hopes and fears of those who took sides on the issue of democracy at the same time as we are provided with information to check out the reality of key elements of the responsible party model in Britain .
18 ‘ Ordinarily I would have commented in some detail about our business , but can not do so at this time as we are in a closed period prior to the announcement of our 1992 results on 24 March ’ .
19 But er we need to be dragging those out at the same time as we 're dragging everybody else out .
20 I 'm more concerned about erm future possibilities , not least the possibility that the , if we fight the next European election under first past the post system then of course there will need to be a further set of boundary changes in the very near future arising from the parliamentary boundary commission proposals and I hope that again that the minister will take the change in in his remarks a little later , to assure the house that this was , because of the time constraints and there are reasons for that that I 'll come to , but because of the time constraints that this was in fact just a one off proposal because its sad that party political considerations that the minister has eluded to , the difficulties that Conservative party had over the Maastricht bill , caused our boundary procedures to be tampered with at all in the U K. At the same time as we 're seeing er a welcome expansion of democratic forms in the rest of the world in erm Eastern and central er Europe , in South Africa for instance we see the erosion of these forms in the United Kingdom .
21 But the same time as we were hearing that we should be cutting back , the news was also full of adverts .
22 Among supporters of Cardoso de Mello who left office at the same time as her were Infrastructure Minister Eduardo Teixeira ( appointed in March — see p. 38095 ) , chief foreign debt negotiator Jorio Dauster , president of the Central Bank of Brazil , Ibrahim Eris , and president of the state-owned Banco do Brasil , Alberto Policarpo .
23 Leaving aside the difficulty of not making a provision at the same time as one is undertaking the assessment , this approach has produced two serious difficulties .
24 At the same time as I was writing some correspondence ( including the note to you ) , I was attempting to organise the hand-over of certain severely disturbed patients to various colleagues who were to assume responsibility for them during the long vacation .
25 At the same time as I was being bundled in and out of police vans for telling the troops in Northern Ireland exactly where they should go , I was also attending GLF meetings .
26 He said : ‘ I went to the island of Kos with some mates and at the same time as I was being ill some of my mates were having headaches and feeling ill .
27 During the days I go and see my friends , most of the people who were at the hotel at the same time as I was have been moved up here .
28 That 's right and he , we would have done the same if we 'd have found six men in there , er they all would have been secured until such time as I was happy that the the flat was clear .
29 She supposed to be one of the , of the remnant and I , I ca n't understand myself that , because she was baptised together , the same time as I was
30 she , she was baptised at the same time as I was , you know , er , the same day , Manchester assembly , that was nineteen seventy four seventy five no , seventy four , yeah
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