Example sentences of "time that they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I have already referred to the findings and the reasons given by the justices at the time that they announced their decision on 28 January 1992 .
2 Now she and Philip create designer jewellery in their spare time that they sell through galleries and museums in Britain and America .
3 He stated that he had later spoken to two observers who had been close to the ridge at the time of the accident , and they had apparently noticed that the wind had , momentarily , markedly increased in strength and had appeared to swirl up the hill towards the ridge , coincidental with the time that they saw the aircraft 's wing drop and the aircraft begin to descend .
4 Got the old watering can and then you get down on this plant , and then when they get a gist of that first time that they go whooo , you wake up in the morning , you 've got co , conifers like Jack and The Beanstalk coming
5 The hon. Gentleman and his colleagues can save money if they do not believe in the nuclear deterrent , and it is high time that they told the country what their priorities are .
6 Is it not time that they devised a positive policy , to ensure that the many thousands of miles of hedgerows that were grubbed up or allowed to go to waste over the years are replaced ?
7 ‘ What a funny old election this is , at which the political parties argue about taxation and legislation but declare all the time that they intend the electors of this country to have no further control over the very questions that are being put to them . ’
8 He re-directed it to the sales department and made a mental note to have a word with the post room ; it was about time that they got their act together .
9 Yeah so I mean with , with younger people it 's , although th they 're still not , it 's still not going to be easy-easy er like with the older people , there 's still the , the disturbance element that in years to come they are not going to have this to fall back on because by the time that they retire it 's just not going to exist .
10 With regard to indirect discrimination , the EOC conducted a postal survey of all the applicants to the Society in one year to establish whether or not each candidate could have complied with the mobility requirement at the time that they applied for the job .
11 It 's a little like listening to those debates in parliament where parliament vote themselves extra salaries and I feel very uncomfortable in this process , I thought I might be coming here this morning to disagree with my own group , or those members of them that do n't agree with me , perhaps joined with the conservatives in opposing this motion , but I find in fact that everybody is saying oh let's put up the er , the heading , I feel very uncomfortable with this having spent six months in the budget review , criticising officers up hill and down dale every time that they exceeded their budget , having told them that either they balance their budget or that they came in next year with a budget with no more than a one and a half percent increase , or their successors would be doing it for us .
12 And by the time that they had all gone out it was broad day .
13 However , there were many instances cited where GPs felt that they could not ‘ help ’ users even when this was the first time that they had sought it .
14 She noticed for the first time that they had stopped , and looking round , discovered that they were outside the house .
15 It is time that they had a backing .
16 Hm , I think we said last time that they had to tell you this month with the money .
17 It was the last time that they met .
18 It may be at the time that they hear the person is going to die ; it may be when they suddenly recognize that the person has become very ill ; it can be at almost any stage when the threat of loss comes into their mind .
19 It is recommended that their training stretches over a period of about 15 months from the time that they take up their post .
20 And the Christians defended themselves right well , and every time that they went upon the walls , they sounded trumpets and tambours ; and made great rejoicings , as the Cid had commanded .
21 Yes that oh oh That was a l that was in my great grannie 's time that they went there .
22 It 's time that they looked at themselves .
23 Or if somebody has a premiere it means it 's the first time that they do something .
24 In other words , rats with hippocampal lesions have difficulty in refraining from punished responses because they can not remember what happened to them the last time that they did whatever it was that led to the punishment .
25 Do you know if there was a special time that they did this at ?
26 I am told by the probation service , social workers , educationists , and those involved in the youth offenders institute in my constituency that the turning point comes in the late teens , when such offenders get a regular girl friend and decide that it is about time that they acted a little more responsibly .
27 Now , getting back to the comment the woman made earlier about men being misogynist within their own world I 'm quite convinced that a good deal of those men would go home to their wives and family and be very loving to their , to their wives and family , be respectful of their neighbours but as soon as they got in the all male environment , and this woman was there to be used , she was their property for the time that they paid their money to get through the door , they could be as misogynist , offensive and horrid as they wanted to be !
28 The Christians gave no indication at the time that they foresaw any such developments , although Arab nationalists in Lebanon and Syria at first refused to recognise that a nation-state existed which was separate from Syria .
29 At about the same time that they unveiled portable CD-I , Sony also launched a text-only counterpart known as the Data Discman .
30 I hope too that you find it helpful to caretaking staff in that it reduces the time that they safeguard the front entrance by 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at the end of the day .
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