Example sentences of "time that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Under no circumstances should the time that elapses between mixes extend beyond 24 hours , or leaks are almost inevitable .
2 It is posited here that rational childbearing practices , including patterns as to age of mother at birth of child , the amount of time that elapses between births and the total number of births , would have a salutary effect upon the health and well being of the family and its individual members , particularly mothers and young children .
3 The basis for the proposition that individual women may improve their own prospects and those of their young children as regards health and mortality is the evidence that age at marriage and at childbearing , the amount of time that elapses between births and the total number of children that a woman has borne at various ages have a pronounced influence upon maternal and child health , and that a child 's birth order may be a factor in its survival chances .
4 The focus is upon demographic factors of age at marriage and at first birth , maternal age , order of birth and family size , and the amount of time that elapses between births .
5 Analysis of statistics obtained for 39 developing countries that participated in the WFS has confirmed that the amount of time that elapses between birth is , indeed , a critical factor in child mortality .
6 But there are also maternal ailments attributable to the number of births , the ages at which women bear children and possibly also to the amount of time that elapses between births , presumably , among other things , because the reproductive pattern influences ability to meet demands that pregnancy and breastfeeding make upon the body .
7 The woman 's age at first marriage or union and at first birth , the number of children born and order of birth , and the amount of time that elapses between births directly or indirectly impinge upon the viability of young children and the probability of their survival at least beyond five years and have an effect on maternal health and mortality .
8 She was still sitting there when the silence began , those few moments of suspended time that came before the sounding of the air-raid sirens .
9 I also remember thinking at the time that dressing like a white man and taking a white man 's name was n't ever going to hide the Apache in him .
10 It seems to me appropriate and indeed perhaps essential that one should offer a brief biographical sketch of Proust on an occasion like this , but I shall try to avoid the unbalance of which I 've spoken , by at least relating the biography to the circumstances in which the novel was written , and I shall in any case spend the major part of the time that remains on an examination of the novel itself .
11 The fossil history.of earth suggests that we have about a billion years — one ‘ aeon ’ , to use a convenient modern definition — to play with , for this is roughly the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago and the era of the first fossil organisms .
12 One and a half aeons is about the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth and the first bacteria-like fossils .
13 Now again I but give us as to the length of time that elapsed between flying the door door breaker and you radioing ?
14 Are you able to give us an estimate of the time that elapsed between breaking the door in and being called away by your team leader ?
15 ( In their 1988 survey , Mintel noted that ‘ the proportion of consumer expenditure represented by alcohol consumption has fallen steadily , whilst at the same time that spent on leisure as a whole has increased ’ ( Hunt , p42 ) . )
16 The amount of computer time needed to obtain answers to inquiries falls and with it the time that has to be paid for .
17 The only time that works on the long distances is if there 's high pressure .
18 It is inconceivable that it would have happened under any other party or coalition in the time that remained before the French decided on a military solution .
19 The amount of time that needed to be spent in co-ordinating services , and in involving the residential care staff fully at each stage , was considerable , but this resulted in their incorporation in the family network , and rightful attendance at a family meeting .
20 Using that as a working theory , I 'd say there was some sort of time limit involved — I mean , a time during which it is imperative for people not to know that he 's dead , but a time that comes to an end , after which it does n't matter so much . "
21 Crossing for the last time that stretch of dusty plain which lay between Krishnapur and the railhead , the Collector experienced more strongly than ever before the vastness of India ; he realized then , because of the widening perspective , what a small affair the siege of Krishnapur had been , how unimportant , how devoid of significance .
22 EUROPEAN funding for the Highlands worth £20 million a year could cover health initiatives — the first time that spending on health has been considered for such grant aid .
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