Example sentences of "time in your [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's very daunting to have to go to an audition for the first time in your life .
2 ‘ It 's true , ’ he says , ‘ there comes a time in your life when comfort matters .
3 I could n't spell and about the only time in your life you 're not allowed to use a dictionary is in an English ‘ O ’ level exam . ’
4 All might go well and you might simply relive and re-experience a happy time in your life .
5 Your wedding day is the one time in your life that you can live out your wildest dreams and most romantic fantasies .
6 How did you say you felt free for the first time in your life ?
7 There 's a time in your life when you will want to replace your paperbacks and forgotten best sellers with a library of beautiful and important books .
8 Can you think of any time in your life when you have been the victim of what you considered to be an injustice , grievance , outrage , or any other kind of wrong ?
9 For ‘ Paris ’ add Prague , London , Venice , anywhere beautiful and foreign and not of the everyday , and for ‘ young man ’ insert ‘ or middle aged woman ’ and for ‘ lived ’ and ‘ or visited at a time in your life when you most needed it . ’
10 You feel you are standing up straight for the first time in your life ; you can do anything while this feeling lasts , you can take on the world .
11 Did n't you know that everything you learn , and everything you suffer , will come in useful at some time in your life ? "
12 Hope that for the first time in your life you 'll discover trust within yourself for another human being . ’
13 After a quick rest-stop ( ‘ You 'll see , darling , ’ comes the warning , ‘ there will come a time in your life when the bladder just wo n't take No for an answer … ’ ) , the performance continues .
14 ‘ Just for once , for p'raps the only time in your life , take a bit of advice from your elders and betters . ’
15 ‘ I shall explain that you 've no time in your life for such nonsense .
16 I , I bet , I bet i I bet it 's the first time in your life you felt shi , yes come on !
17 It seems that in the first year of life you 're more likely than at any other time in your life to die at the hands of somebody else .
18 So they spend less time searching for you and more time in your company .
19 I 've got a time in your diary for that .
20 First , the in-flight schedule is sometimes arranged in accord with time in your departure zone .
21 You can use the rating scale to monitor changes over time in your youngster 's ability to cope with provocations .
22 If you have trouble sorting out what your exact goals are , try thinking back to some time in your childhood when you had dreams and aspirations .
23 Be realistic about time in your planning .
24 Well we were talking about timing for people , you 're the same time in your car as you are in
25 You spend a lot of time in your garden , I know , planting , digging .
26 All of you who read these words have at some time in your youth dreamt the biggest dreams .
27 It may be possible to study for the course by distance learning , so that the modules can be covered at an appropriate time in your training .
28 ‘ When I 'm all done here I 'll be spending a lot of time in your world .
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