Example sentences of "time and [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 After the death last year of Steve Ross , the controversial mogul who merged Time and Warner in 1989 , Mr Levin laboured day and night to seal the deal .
2 It 's the expression of a negative dynamic , in which the cycle of action and reaction between teacher and pupil seems only to confirm the pupil in the disruptive role and of escalating sanctions which consume energy , time and morale in large amounts .
3 For British television drama , for instance , and for American television drama till the mid-fifties , a particular combination of live studio technology and a respect for theatrical naturalism placed time and space more at the service of performance than of narrative logic , seeking a continuity — rather than an interruptability — of time and space in which the actor could unfold the truth of the performance , or , more practically , in which mistakes on the studio floor could be minimized .
4 They achieved even wider publicity and discussion when the ending of the war left time and space in the newspapers for such matters .
5 They feel there is something outside the box of time and space in which they find themselves .
6 They only managed to convert one of them , when Shaun Taylor found the time and space in a crowded penalty area to knock home the equaliser .
7 I have experienced this directly in researching this book and am deeply indebted to many new friends , in areas of science that would have remained foreign to me , for their time and patience in explaining things that I never knew and I hope that we all gained from the experience .
8 The whole service is designed to save you both time and money in arriving at the correct long term decision .
9 In contrast , we do have to invest time and money in understanding groundwater and its place in the water cycle .
10 However , the costs of production will increase as farmers are made to invest more time and money in each animal , and these costs must be met by the consumer .
11 In such circumstances the figures for those activities will rise as a result of the police having spent more time and money in dealing with them .
12 For this strategy , founded as much on local politics as on economics , was ultimately based on investing considerable time and money in rescuing firms on the brink of collapse .
13 But as they do need the financial background too , finding a suitable candidate to take on the finance director role , particularly of a large organisation , can be a problem and it 's not unknown for a company to invest considerable time and money in training someone specially for the job , though it is rare .
14 I went to Grosvenor Square and abused ‘ American Imperialists ’ , I got thumped about a bit on Troops Out demos , and I dutifully handed out time and money in support of ‘ the miners ' wives ’ .
15 Reveals a source : ‘ Chris reckoned he deserved the best as he was spending so much time and money in the place . ’
16 This not only wastes time and money in sending the executive abroad but also business contacts in the foreign country can lose confidence in the company and valuable business ventures may be lost .
17 AT&T complains that US carriers wanting to enter the UK market not only have to invest substantial time and money in building their own networks , but also have no alternative but to negotiate with British Telecom for local access to customers .
18 Expenditure on research assistants might also save a significant degree of time and money in the long run .
19 The conditional contract does give the developer the incentive to invest time and money in a project , with the background assurance that this investment will not be wasted .
20 Use the Charts to help narrow your selection of suitable lenders , which will save considerable time and money in the long run .
21 She had very nearly done a cordon bleu cookery course after she had left school , only deciding at the last minute to reinvest her time and money in the boutique instead .
22 If you arc prepared to invest a lot of time and money in your new kitchen you might consider making a sort of kitchen/living or family room ; a real ‘ heart of the home ’ area , more casual than a living room , more cosy than a working kitchen .
23 Investors spend considerable amounts of effort , time and money in their investigations into the firms behind the shares .
24 They should also indicate potential problems , which , if rectified at a sufficiently early stage , will avoid the need for unnecessary expenditure of time and money in seeking to correct the position .
25 Those private firms who also invested time and money in the project will surely think long and hard before getting involved in such ‘ joint ventures ’ again .
26 However , Stevenage — within Hertfordshire — still had ‘ new town ’ status at this time and development in the town was under the control of the Stevenage Development Corporation ( now transferred to the Commission for the New Towns ) .
27 There are many instances of white youths being pressured by their parents to give up their sport in preference for more reasonable and secure occupations , lest they invest their time and energies in a pointless pursuit of intangible dreams .
28 What is suggested here may seem tedious and unnecessary , but it saves time and frustration in the long run , and makes the checking itself more effective and fruitful .
29 Dick has a generous amount of time and experience in taildraggers like Staggerwings and T-6s but he wanted Bill Dodds who had broad P-40 for the first time so that he could compare the aircraft with others that he 's flown .
30 In that moment , the Word which touched time and history in Jesus Christ touches them again , and so the original Word itself is heard , leaping across the distances of time which are no barrier or hindrance to the running of the communication from eternity .
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