Example sentences of "time [prep] my [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe they 'll elope to Gretna Green if they ca n't find a vacant Martello tower , then it will leave me with more time for my Roman friend and dear Boudicca not to mention Dorothy Wordsworth 's Journals of which I have perused the first paragraph six times yet can not seem to recall it to mind .
2 Working full-time and their interests leave little time for my own ’ .
3 If I do n't get back and find Jeff soon it 'll be time for my last bus and I ca n't go without seeing him .
4 And I was still in time for my 13.15 departure to Sunderland across the footbridge .
5 I divided my time between my hundreds of pet animals at home and the wild animals in the Wiltshire countryside .
6 At some time during my second afternoon at the centre , a Bonny Baby competition was held , but I missed it all in a blur of Mickeys .
7 And my Will is to be Buried in Linen in a Suit which I shall provide for that purpose And I do hereby order and direct that the Sum of Ten Pounds shall be paid to the person who shall be the last in attending me to the time of my expiring and who shall see me Inclosed and laid in my Coffin in Linen .
8 It was no great shock , therefore , when around the time of my nineteenth birthday , the police informed me she was in hospital again .
9 It was the time of my own personal greatness , before any human hurt had got in the way .
10 ‘ I spend more time with my four dogs than anyone else because I am often alone writing .
11 The hand-claps sometimes seemed to be keeping time with my leisurely steps as I wandered under the arcades in the hot night , but that was just a coincidence .
12 The following morning I got Dad 's step-ladder out , put some of his flowerpots from the greenhouse on the steps and was having a lovely time with my own version of ‘ Breaking up the Happy Home ’ when the sound of pots smashing brought my carnival to an end .
13 ‘ I know it all sounds good , ’ she says , ‘ but what I want most of all is to spend more time with my little girl — and that 's the one thing I ca n't do at the moment . ’
14 That took up an awful lot of time in my second year , although it was good fun .
15 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
16 He added a postscript in his own hand : ‘ I pray you that ye fail me not at this time in my great need , as ye will that I show you my good lordship in that matter that ye labour to me for . ’
17 You looked so damned lost and unhappy , those beautiful eyes so full of shadows that , for the first time in my disreputable life , I fell fathoms deep in love . ’
18 I know now I 'd never have caught up in time in my old car .
19 I was generally pressed for time in my few day in Sydney , and did not have the opportunity to explore the graphic potential of the monoline as well as it deserved .
20 I was generally pressed for time in my few days in Sydney , and did not have the opportunity to explore the graphic potential of the monoline as well s it deserved .
21 At first I was bitterly jealous of Rachel and only wanted Jacob to love me more than her to win something from her for the first time in my miserable life , but by the end of that blissful week , I found that I , unfortunately , had also fallen victim to his charms .
22 and I do prefer to work on the er on a personal recommendations or referrals basis because that actually allows me to , to devote most of my time to my current clients without having to go out cold calling and looking for people .
23 For a start , I spent a lot of time on my own , or with London friends .
24 ‘ I needed some time on my own . ’
25 I 'd spent so much time on my own , sitting watching birds , or reading about them or drawing them , that I did n't make many friends , and those I had took second place to the birds .
26 If I had some time on my own with them I might squeeze something out , but I 'm inhibited in front of the neighbours .
27 six or seven times when I walked down Tesco on a lunch time on my own , they 're always at the end one , so I suppose they could get in and out , but they 're lovely kids some of them
28 Er and I took the time at my own risk , took the time at my own risk er primarily because of that very fact that you were there to support the interests of your members and no one else , no one else .
29 Er and I took the time at my own risk , took the time at my own risk er primarily because of that very fact that you were there to support the interests of your members and no one else , no one else .
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