Example sentences of "two of you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll be in touch with the two of you later . ’
2 Working from my assumption that there was something between the two of you anyway , it seemed obvious that you 'd decided to take it much further . ’
3 ‘ The two of you here together on a Sunday , and we met you arriving another time …
4 And there 's not enough room for the two of you here .
5 However quickly he may have acted , the actual taking of the handbag must have taken more time than seems to have been available — since Eddie Stratton and Shirley Brown were seen walking out of The Randolph almost immediately , if the evidence of at least two of you here is to be believed , the evidence of Mr Brown and Mrs Roscoe .
6 Should you buy a car , register it in your name alone , that will avoid problems should the two of you ever decide to split up .
7 You might be able to do the odd one but I do n't think that you 've got the time , I mean bear in mind you 've gone from four to three to two there 's two of you now supervising all of us if you tell me you 've got spare time then great , and you want to do one or two equally great , however unless you tell me to the contrary
8 ‘ If things were going smoothly between the two of you then I doubt you would be here now , but they 're not , are they ? ’
9 And which of the two of you then went into that room first ?
10 And of course if it 's a husband and wife , the two of you together should be thinking of this sort of information because you can do something about it in your will .
11 ‘ Perhaps indeed , ’ he dared , checking his sound with Mrs Crump every syllable of the way , ‘ we may throw the two of you together ? ’
12 Honestly , Rachel , you 've only got to see the two of you together — you 're just made for each other . ’
13 My , the two of you certainly have a knack of finding corpses , do n't you ? ’
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