Example sentences of "two of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now we can just rearrange that expression to get the expectation of prices for the period T , right all we 're doing is that we 're adding P T minus two , P T minus one to both sides , alright and we 'll get gamma into P T minus one erm , plus open brackets mi minus gamma into expectation at T minus two of prices at T minus one okay .
2 Two of areas of difference they highlight are particularly relevant to the public sector — scope and responsibility .
3 ‘ There were two of women in her class .
4 The members of the Commission included representatives of all the conflicting points of view and all the most prominent of those publicly concerned with the ‘ social question ’ : Charles Booth , Octavia Hill , Lansbury , Beatrice Webb , C. S. Loch and four other representatives of the COS , three representatives of the LGB and two of Boards of Guardians .
5 I was thinking about the relative merits of a bottle or two of Ruddles from the fridge or a glass or two of Sancerre or even , in the circumstances , something stronger , when there was a knock on my door .
6 Hannele introduced him to two of ficers in some sort of private uniform and they were conducted to a stateroom .
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