Example sentences of "then [vb -s] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The problem then needs to be formulated in scientific terms and this requires the object to have some property which is unique to its origin , but which varies from place to place and is not significantly modified by manufacture ; the property must also be scientifically detectable .
2 The completion of the agenda then needs to be followed by a review process , either formal or informal , which analyses the factors contributing to a successful or unsuccessful activity in terms of the perceptions of all the individuals involved .
3 Similarly , the notion of social development through increasing differentiation and individuation has had a considerable place in later sociological theories , although its political implications have been judged in diverse ways ; from one aspect social differentiation may be seen as creating a mutual dependence of individuals and groups which is a fundamental element in a stable democratic system , while from another aspect ( as in Durkheim 's theory ) it may be regarded as a danger to the political order if it leads to excessive individualism , and then needs to be checked by a moral consensus embodied in the state .
4 The nose then has to be hauled well up to break the descent rather than the aeroplane .
5 These in turn get into the food chain , crippling our wildlife and the water supply which then has to be brought up to EC standards at great cost .
6 As we have seen , the decision to use TV is a joint one between ( in ) the creative and media groups in the agency , a decision which then has to be endorsed by the client .
7 ‘ Art ’ music , for example , is generally regarded as by nature complex , difficult , demanding ; ‘ popular ’ music then has to be defined as ‘ simple ’ , ‘ accessible ’ , ‘ facile ’ .
8 The advantage of being able to store such a file on a direct access device in addresses which are directly related to the key then has to be balanced against the waste of space involved .
9 This leaves a balance which then has to be financed through locally levied rates .
10 Life has arisen in only one planet in the entire universe ( and that planet , as we saw earlier , then has to be Earth ) .
11 The fundamental question that then has to be answered is , who pays the bills ?
12 The utility of labour to capital requires the fragmentation of organizational tasks into routine , repetitive , uncreative and degrading work which then has to be managed , organized and co-ordinated by hierarchy and authority .
13 The last wish then has to be used to restore one each of these to its proper place .
14 The practice then has to be " proved " by evidence as to the intention of the parties , expert evidence on a trade practice or usage , a trade or technical gloss on the meaning of a particular term , or even as a separate term implied into the rules .
15 cos we 've got thirty five pallets down at street which then has to be
16 High temperatures are fine for certain compounds but metals form ash which then has to be disposed of .
17 Not only has Trifolium repens a guerrilla growth form but its guerrilla character is exaggerated when it is growing with grasses ; its branching then tends to be reduced and growth is concentrated in linear extension .
18 Much experimentation has usually taken place before marriage — which then tends to be very long-lived , though it , too , may be dissolved when either party wishes it .
19 This loneliness then tends to be misdiagnosed as depression and medications may be prescribed which may make the disease even worse .
20 But conversely ( as Mr. Utley did not feel able to dispute , although he did not formally concede the point ) a defendant who is legally aided at first instance and in the Court of Appeal , but who for any reason then ceases to be aided and incurs the full costs of successfully resisting an appeal to the House of Lords , is eligible to recover those costs from the board .
21 The unit then requires to be replaced .
22 The second possibility is that there may not be the clear difference between fiction and non-fiction for the young reader that then appears to be for the adult .
23 The choice then appears to be between informalism , in which individualized solutions to disputes are worked out and accepted by the parties , and the formal judicial process .
24 The Godhead , or at least Christology , then appears to be biased against women .
25 The rationale for intervention then appears to be the degree of error .
26 The lesson which can be learnt from South Africa regarding professionalism then seems to be that , as I pointed out last month , there is a contradiction in allowing a mercenary spirit to dominate an amateur game .
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