Example sentences of "then [vb infin] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 for established products , success may depend on winning a key customer , whose decision to buy will then influence other purchasers .
2 If your offer is acceptable then you proceed by applying for a mortgage and informing your appointed solicitor or conveyancing agent of the details of the purchase , so that he or she can then make formal overtures to the vendor 's solicitors .
3 Conflict : The bank could then make imprudent loans to Company X to keep it from failing .
4 And any changes that we agree in that meeting , can we then re-issue those procedures immediately after the meeting , or as soon as possible after ?
5 For those of us lucky enough to be able to read and play music , it certainly can be , fore the mind can then override textual aberrations of this kind ( providing they are not too excessive ) .
6 You can then relate these comments to setting input and output budgets in a business situation .
7 Indeed , is it ethical to undertake assessments if the GP can not then deliver appropriate services to meet the identified needs ?
8 This appears to be a demonstration of the clear need to bring the APB and ASB under the auspices of the Financial Reporting Council , which could then coordinate both committees ' work programmes .
9 They will then cover eight laps of the circuit which takes in Commutation Row , Churchill Way South , Dale Street , Castle Street , Lord Street , North John Street , Victoria Street and Whitechapel .
10 Having decided upon getting up , an individual will then eat several meals and snacks as part of a ‘ normal ’ pattern of eating .
11 The Czech and Slovak parliaments would then approve republican constitutions in accordance with the agreement .
12 The box , which measures around 1′ square by 3″ high can then display pre-programmed messages on its small LCD screen .
13 Taylor will then need convincing shows in the USA before the FA would give him another four years , equalling the eight-year reign of Bobby Robson .
14 They will then need social services support to get their care costs funded by public money .
15 A predator company ( the offerer ) can buy up to 15 per cent of a company 's shares without restrictions , but above that level must then wait seven days before being allowed to buy up to another ten per cent .
16 I shall then discuss two theories of literary language and of the literary text as a whole , which were developed under the joint influence of Saussure and the Russian Formalists .
17 Although the retailer may make no profit on that particular item , general sales will be increased as customers drawn in by the loss leader will then buy other goods .
18 This would then stimulate other institutions to change their rates too , in order for them to remain competitive with the clearing banks .
19 Short of actually achieving this , it is hard to imagine how we would then perceive social relations , and what sort of responses would seem appropriate to the actions of others .
20 The government might then borrow these funds from the banking system .
21 Let us then specify two criteria about the requiredness of causal circumstances to effects .
22 These low paid workers will then generate increased profits for the Bank in order that the Executives can get more Share Options to cash at the most appropriate time when the Share Prices are rising and the tax is least .
23 Index arbitrage will then generate subsequent movements in the spot price to bring the spot and futures markets into line .
24 Using a calorie counter you can then choose starchy foods to meet this extra energy need .
25 If you like , go back to playing the odds to ensure success — if you need to rely on a unit to do something then send two units !
26 He will then send both forms to the finance company which will either accept or reject both offers .
27 The revised Rural Areas Committee would then comprise eighteen members : six from the participating LEAs , six from the Cambridge Board , six from the WEA and , of course , three servicing officers .
28 The court may then give appropriate directions ( FPCR , r14(3) ) .
29 The more productive country would still benefit from specialisation in those goods it produces best , and should then import those goods it is comparatively worse at producing .
30 LIFESPAN will then remove all messages ( in the list ) which have previously been inspected .
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