Example sentences of "then [vb pp] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was then exposed to various synthetic chemicals in turn , and reacted badly to diesel fumes , cigarette smoke , natural gas , chlorine and alcohol .
2 Uses a ‘ sponge and dough ’ process ; part of the dough is left for 24 hours and then added to new dough .
3 The matter was then reported to New Scotland Yard .
4 According to a slightly modified method described by Deschner and Lipkin , the mucosal fragments were then transferred to sterile septum fitted vials containing 2 ml of Eagle 's basic salt solution supplemented with 10% calf serum ( GIBCO , Paisley , Scotland ) and 5 µCi H-thymidine/ml ( specific activity , 25 Ci/mmol ) ( Amersham , Buckinghamshire , UK ) .
5 They were then transferred to solitary confinement .
6 Cross-section of CEGB 's waste-fuel store : After delivery in flasks to the store ( top ) the irradiated fuel would be dried and then transferred to special containers made of tow-carbon steel .
7 Take-up has stemmed partly from the wish of those companies trading internationally and particularly in the highly litigious US to protect their directors and partly because , as Willis Corroon 's Drew Hardie said , ‘ when directors who had had this cover then moved to other companies they asked for it to be part of their new contract ’ .
8 The idea of ‘ half-way ’ houses , where discharged patients lived for a year or eighteen months and then moved to ordinary independent living , became fashionable in the 1960s .
9 She dealt with them , then attended to various other tasks which kept her occupied for the remainder of the afternoon .
10 She saw how the dark room had filled with transparent figures who marched along the walls singing and mocking , who wrapped themselves around her so that she was suffocated in their embrace , then turned to broken bricks and choking mortar dust which cascaded in torrents on to her , flattening her to the bed so that her limbs ached with pain and she could n't move .
11 This preparation was then applied to standard silica gel thin layer chromatography plates together with phosphatidylcholine , cholesteryl oleate , and oleic acid standards .
12 The Attorney-General took proceedings in the Court of Exchequer against those landowners who refused to compound : where necessary he obtained a writ of injunction sequestrating the assarted lands , which were then leased to other tenants .
13 This ‘ doctrine invented in Europe at the beginning of the nineteenth century ’ was then exported to other parts of the world as a result of colonial expansion , and this — rather than any popular revolt against colonial rule — accounts for the nationalist movements of the twentieth century , led by nationalist intellectuals who are ‘ marginal ’ to their own societies .
14 These independent structures are then transformed to dependent ones : " After she had swept the room " , etc. , and made part of a complex sentence .
15 The dealers then resorted to extraordinary preventive measures , such as keeping sellers indefinitely " on hold " until they rang off , or simply cutting them off immediately .
16 The remaining PCR product was then bound to streptavidin-coated Dynabeads ( Dynal ) according to manufacturer 's instructions ( 4 ) and denatured using 100 µl 0.1 M NaOH .
17 The fund is then redistributed to local authorities at a fixed rate per adult , with extra finance made available to those local authorities with special problems .
18 Mrs Andrews and the boys were then driven to isolated woods 30 miles away while a frantic Mr Andrews , who was told his sons would be castrated if he failed to co-operate , delivered the ransom .
19 Mrs Andrews and the boys were then driven to isolated woods 30 miles away .
20 The mechanical linkage is set to give a very large control range which is then reduced to manageable proportions by means of the transmitter throw adjustment .
21 According to analyses based on the 1983 Labour Force Survey , migration 's role in swelling the South 's labour force was then restricted to non-manual workers ; though unemployment rates for manual workers were markedly higher in the North than the South , there was no net migration of manual workers to the South ( Hughes and McCormick , 1987a ) .
22 The other trial that compared heparin and aspirin plus thrombolysis is that of the National Heart Foundation ; selected patients treated with tPA and 24 h intravenous heparin were then randomised to continued intravenous heparin or aspirin ( 300 mg ) plus dipyridamole ( 300 mg ) daily for a week .
23 Falcon s/n 157 then reverted to civilian registration marks , carrying C-GRSD-X at first , and later losing the -X suffix , to become C-GRSD .
24 That it was erected , operated for a short while and then reverted to ignominious dereliction are all true .
25 Thus Oke ( 1978 ) emphasized the physical basis of physical , topo- , local- , meso- and regional climates in the boundary layer climates of the lowest kilometre of the atmosphere , then proceeded to deal with natural climates of non-vegetated and vegetated surfaces , topographically affected climates and the climates of animals , and then progressed to man-modified environments embracing conscious and unconscious modification of boundary-layer climates particularly those including urban climates .
26 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer and then converted to electronic form to allow further processing .
27 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer and then converted to electronic form to allow further processing .
28 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer and then converted to electronic form to allow further processing .
29 The anger among Asian teenagers which Geeta and I noticed in 1974 has of course since then led to Asian boys hitting back .
30 But for the Formalists meaning and ideas are neither here nor there ; like reality , they enter into literature as part of the available material which is then put to literary use by the functional devices of the work .
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